Le Sueur County Pioneer Power Show

By Staff
Published on August 1, 1993
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Rt 1, Box 139, LeCenter, Minnesota 56057

The 19th annual Le Sueur County Pioneer Power Show was held
August 28, 29, 30, 1992 on the club’s permanent
showground’s located six miles east of Le Sueur, Minnesota.

The featured highlight for ’92 was the ‘Tractor Hall of
Fame.’ Nearly 40 different brands of tractors were lined up
inside and out of our large display building, with a total of 300
antique and classic tractors on the grounds. People could be seen
going from one model to another and comparing design and features.
This attraction proved to be real interesting to all

Going hand in hand with the Tractor Hall of Fame was the Ageless
Iron Restoration Clinic, sponsored by Successful Farming Magazine
and Goodyear Tire, and presented by Oppy and Jeff Gravert, a father
and son team from Central City, Nebraska. Everything you ever
wanted to know about antique tractor restoring was covered by Oppy
and Jeff. They did it in a very professional and precise manner.
I’m sure everyone who attended the clinic came away with
several new tips on how to go about some various stages of
restoration. The Restoration Clinic is a very good idea. It helps
both the novice and experienced restorer alike. Jeff Gravert
brought along his very nicely restored model 20 Cockshutt

A model 20 Cockshutt tractor owned by Jeff Gravert, who with his
father presented the Restoration Clinic at the show. In the
background are a 60 Cat, a 20-40 Oil Pull and a Moline Universal.
These were among the 40 makes on display in the Tractor Hall of

A new field event debuted at the ’92 show: a well drilling
rig owned by the Don Pfarr family from Le Sueur, Minnesota. It is
one horsepower and drills a hole 24 inches in diameter. By the time
the show was over, they had gone down seven feet in the sticky
soil, with 18 inches of water in the bottom of the hole, which is
no wonder, because of all the rain we had last summer. Another
field event which was brought back to life was the operation of the
John Deere eight-bottom plow owned by Bud Budenski from West
Concord, Minnesota. The plow was given a new coat of paint, new
wood platform, and the bottoms scoured. Gary Jones from Owatonna,
Minnesota hooked his 1922 65 Case steam engine #35382 to it and
away they went. It was a pretty sight!

Nearly 300 gas engines are exhibited each year at LSCPPA. Here a
disc sharpener is operated by a stationary gas engine.

I could go on and on about all the other events at our show but
it would take a couple of pages. Best thing for you to do is to
attend and find out for yourself what else we have at Pioneer

The feature for ’93 will be John Deere and the Central
Minnesota Two Cylinder Club, so get your JD stuff ready. For
’94 we are hosting the National Gathering of the Orange.

I would like to thank all our exhibitors who helped make our
show a success. Our exhibitors receive free admission, camping and
a brass plaque.

Stop by and meet your friends at the 1993 show, August 27, 28,
29, 1993.

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