IHC Collectors at Adams County

By Staff
Published on June 1, 1996
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1931 IHC one row corn picker, owned by Pat Ince. It's pulled by Max Dickhut's 1931 IHC 10-20.
1931 IHC one row corn picker, owned by Pat Ince. It's pulled by Max Dickhut's 1931 IHC 10-20.
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Dan Ellwood and son Michael on his 1933 IHC F12.
Dan Ellwood and son Michael on his 1933 IHC F12.
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Kelly Birkey driving 1959 IHC 240 pulling 3 IHC 'M' 1, 3 HP, 6 HP engines owned by Paul Woodworth.
Kelly Birkey driving 1959 IHC 240 pulling 3 IHC 'M' 1, 3 HP, 6 HP engines owned by Paul Woodworth.

Box 4 Ursa, Illinois 62376

The 1995 seventh annual show of Adams County Olde Tyme
Association, was held with the Adams County Fair at Mendon,
Illinois Fair grounds.

The show featured IHC tractors, trucks, engines and equipment.
We were very fortunate to have the IHC Collectors of Illinois,
Chapter #10 come to the show this year. We want to thank Chapter
#10 for their participation with their red tractors, trucks, scouts
and equipment. It all helped make the show a big success with 104
tractors in all, five trucks, two scouts, 18 engines and a parade.
We raffled off an IHC H tractor the club members re stored, also an
Amish-made quilt and a new Ford pedal tractor.

New this year was an IHC high hop per one row, pull-type, 1932
corn picker, a forerunner of a #10 model. It is owned by Pat Ince
from Frankford, Missouri. Also new to our building on the grounds
was a 42 feet x 48 feet pin barn. The job of dismantling a barn and
putting it back up is a big task. Marking the beams with a nail
pattern was the key to success. With about 20 club members and the
help of two cranes, the job still took us two years to complete.
Three more barns were taken down for the extra lumber to change it
to a bank barn. The first year the foundation, post, 14′ beams
and floor joists were placed. Last year the good barn was erected.
We changed it to a bank barn for more storage for wagons, baler and
extra lumber.

We wish to thank all of the club members and non-members who
helped. Also new this year was a new tram wagon built by club
members Max Dickhut and his sons and grandsons. (Thanks, guys!)

Other attractions were threshing, baling, two saw mills sawing,
corn grinding, blacksmiths, antique tractor pull, human tractor
pull, tractor backing up to an egg contest, craft demonstration,
room displays, print shop and car show. Our ham and bean dinner for
the exhibitors was cooked by a steam engine.

You are all invited to come to see our show this year, July
26-29,1996. We are featuring AC tractors and equipment and
Associated engines.

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