Learn about the history of the Hugoton Gas and Historical Museum.
The following article was sent to us by Clyde J. Hagman, 501
South Main St. Hugoton, Kansas through the courtesy of The Hugoton
Hermes of Hugoton, Kansas. Gary D. Hale is Editor-Manager and gave
us permission to use it. The Hugoton Gas and Historical Museum history was written by Joyce Lutz.
Gone are the screams of the Indian war cries, the thunder of
buffalo hooves, the creak of the covered wagons as they rolled over
this great land. Today these sounds are paralleled in the sounds of
the giant industry of Southwest Kansas. The scream of the turbins,
and thunder of the gas compressor stations which move natural gas
to the Great Lakes and the East Coast for heating homes and
supplying economical fuel for industry.
The first discovery gas well was drilled in 1929 within four
miles of Hugoton, Kansas. Since that time close to 3700 wells have
been placed in production in the Kansas portion of the field. At
the present time the Hugoton Field reaches into the Oklahoma
Panhandle and into Northern Texas. Monthly production for the
Kansas portion of the field is near the two billion cubic foot
mark. The average depth of the Hugoton pay zone is 2800 feet. The
expected life of this field is estimated to be between 25 to 40
The first well drilled in the Hugoton field was steam powered
using a wooden derrick with the churn type drill or “Cable
Tool” that is, it used what is called a walking beam and
attached to this beam was a cable with a feed attachment. On the
end of the cable was a heavy steel bit called a “fish tail
bit.” The fish tail bit is best described as being hammered
flat on the drill end like a wooden axe.
In this type drilling water was used to soften and wash away the
dirt and rock as the drill progressed downward. Due to an ample
supply of water available underground in Southwest Kansas, water
wells were drilled near the drilling rig, eliminating the necessity
of hauling much water in. This type drilling is one of man’s
oldest drilling techniques, used by ancient Chinese, many centuries
ago. It is believed that Cooley labor was used to operate them.
The steam rigs were used up until the middle thirties, being
replaced by the rotary rigs which were much like the ones used
today. The first rotary type rig was moved to the Hugoton field in
1930 or 1931 by Walt and Howard Kuhn. These rigs were powered by
gasoline and later diesel engines.
Not only was steam a great help in developing the Hugoton Gas
Field, it was used also in many other areas and extensively in the
agriculture end, such as for wheat, maize and broom corn
Much of southwest Kansas was open prairie land until the early
1900’s when it was put to the plow using giant oil pull Rumleys
and steam powered tractors pulling large 10 bottom plows.
In order to preserve as much of this history as possible for
future generations to see and possibly relive the anticipation,
heartaches and successes of the pioneers, in 1954 the Hugoton
Chamber of Commerce began to build and collect items for a
municipal museum.
The museum would be used to house relics of the gas industry and
items used by the pioneers.
By good fortune those in charge were able to secure a Cable Tool
Drilling Rig with a steel tower about 100 feet high. The drilling
rig is located on the site of the municipal owned gas well near the
museum. Part of the rig was made by Parkersburg Rig and Reel Co.
The steam engine is an Ajax, made by Ajax Iron Works, Cory, Pa. The
boiler is a Broderick, made by the Broderick Co., of Muncy, Ind. It
is rated at 150 lbs., pressure and the serial number is 213 HBS
3474. The rig is nearly complete and it is set up in nearly the
same position as it would be if it were in actual drilling
operation. This rig was donated to the museum by Walter Kuhn.
Inside of the museum building are many more items pertaining to
the natural gas industry and local history. The museum is divided
into two sections — gas and historical.
In the gas section of the museum are pictures, tools and graphs
showing the strata of the Hugoton gas fields. There are also two
miniature operating models of the old steam cable tool or churn
type drilling rigs. One has a small blacksmith shop complete with
forge, anvil and blacksmith tools. The other is a miniature
operating rotary rig with mud circulating pump to show how drilling
mud is used to drill gas and oil wells. The miniature models are
electric powered so that interested persons can as them in
Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Producers donated a well head and
meter run to the museum. Also included in the gas display are many
rocks, fossil and core samples of the various strata. Having this
type display under one roof gives the Hugoton Gas Museum a most
complete story on the Natural Gas Industry.
In the historical section of the museum there are many
interesting and valuable antiques, relics and souvenirs. One of the
first John Deere tractors made is on display. The serial number is
3776, it is a Model DHP 15-27. Another tractor on display is a
Moline Universal owned by Bob Walker. The serial number on it is OR
50-779. This was one of the first tractors to have a starter and
generator on it. There is on display a Model A Fire truck and a
1923 Model T Ford Touring car. This car has not been restored but
is in its original condition.
It would be almost impossible to numerate all of the articles on
display. The Indian artifacts display is just beginning to take
form. The local Lions and Rotary Clubs purchased it for $2,000 and
donated to the museum the Dr. Pierce collection of arrow heads and
Indian artifacts. Many old fire arms, pioneer relics, antique
dishes, toys and old time furniture are also on display. There are
some World War One and Two relics and souvenirs on exhibit.
Mrs. Fannie Flower of Hugoton, who is a member of the National
Button Society, has loaned her button collection for display in the
museum. She has won many prizes on her collection.
They are in the museum protective display cases holding old
books, some of which are school books.
Recently a newspaper was donated to the museum by Mrs. Jake
Chilcott. The newspaper is a copy of The New York Herald. The date
line on the paper is New York, Saturday, April 15, 1865. This
newspaper was purchased on the streets of Washington, D. C, April
15 by Leonard H. Moses, grandfather of Mrs. Chilcott. The headline
story in the newspaper is the story about the assassination of
President Lincoln.
At about the same time the newspaper was donated to the museum,
the Rev. Edward J. Young, pastor of St. Helen’s Catholic Church
in Hugoton, donated to the museum two busts of Lincoln.
Another of the more interesting items on display in the museum
is a wooden grave marker dated 1886. It was found on the Santa Fe
In 1961 the Hugoton Chamber of Commerce and the Stevens County
Historical Society combined and at that time the Gas Museum was
changed to the Stevens County Gas and Historical Museum. It is now
county and city operated and maintained. With the help of many
organizations, gas company and municipal employees, and individuals
the half-block that contains the 120 ft. by 50 ft. block building
and the outside drilling rig has been landscaped with many
beautiful trees, flowers and shrubs making it a place the people of
Hugoton are justly proud of.
The museum was officially opened in 1961, during the Kansas
Centennial. The museum receives approximately $3200.00 a year in
funds from County Levy to the museum. The museum building was
constructed so that if the need arose it could be expanded. The
Tiny Dumcum Construction Co. of Hugoton deserve most of the credit
for the original plans and did a great deal of the actual
construction work. The building proper contains rest room and
lounge areas.
During 1965 there were 2282 persons who visited the museum. The
visitors come from all over the United States, many of whom made a
special trip into Hugoton to visit the museum. The museum is open
during the summer months from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. each day. The
remaining months of the year the museum is open each day from 1
p.m. until 5 p.m. Mrs. James Ausbun is the attendant at the
Although regular visiting hours are maintained at the museum,
anytime a group of persons arrive in Hugoton by pre-arrangement
persons will be shown through. Persons may call the Chamber of
Commerce Office, Mrs. Ausbun or any persons in Hugoton will assist
with getting the group into the museum for a tour.
Members of the museum board are Gladys Wilson, president; Clyde
Hagman, vice president; Grace Drew, secretary and Glenn McQueen,
The Stevens County Gas and Historical Museum is an asset to this
community. Each and every citizen should take pride in it and
should work continuously to promote it.
The Hermes would like to thank Clyde J. Hagman for his help in
preparing this article.