A phalanx of Hercules Model Es, with a Sparta Model B leading
the formation, line up at last year’s Inland Empire Steam &
Gas Buffs show in Spokane, Wash.
The first Friday of every September marks the kickoff for the
annual Inland Empire Steam & Gas Buffs show, held in
conjunction with the Spokane Interstate Fair in Spokane, Wash. For
2002 the 300-member club celebrated their annual show with a
special exhibit of Hercules Economy Model E engines. Representing
every size in the line, 12 Model E engines, from 1-1/2 HP to 12 HP,
were on hand. Rounding out the lineup was a 4 HP Sparta Economy
Model B, squarely positioned between the two rows of Model E
Half of the Model Es – and the Sparta – belong to Herman and
Marie Meier, Spokane, Wash., and the other half belong to Ernie and
Janet Snowder, also of Spokane. Approximately 160 engines were on
hand, ranging from the Hercules engines to a giant, 35 HP Black
Bear made by Oil Well Supply Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. The show is held
at the Spokane County Fair and Expo Center in Spokane, Wash., and
this year’s event runs Sept. 5-14. If you go, look for
Herman’s 4 HP 1909 Field-Brundage sideshaft, a rarity anywhere,
and especially so on the West Coast.
Special thanks to engine enthusiast Herman Meier for
supplying photos and information. Contact Herman at: 8821 E.
Maringo Drive, Spokane, WA 99212.