Grease, Steam & Rust Association 1990 Show

By Staff
Published on September 1, 1991

P.O. Box 29 McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania 17233

When is the last time you saw a steam engine drive up Main
Street in your town?

This is the scene each October in McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania.
The third weekend in October is time for the Fulton Folk Festival,
a countywide event of open houses, craft shows, flea markets, quilt
shows, car shows, apple butter boils, art shows and lots of good
food. The 1990 show was held on October 20 and 21.

A major event during the festival weekend is the Antique
Tractor, Small Engine and Machinery Show at the Fulton County
Fairgrounds in McConnellsburg, sponsored by Grease, Steam and Rust

The kick-off event for both the festival and the Grease, Steam
and Rust Association Show is a parade through downtown
McConnellsburg, ending up at the fairgrounds.

The 1990 parade was led by several steam engines which were
taking part in the tractor and machinery show. Dozens of tractors
participated in the parade as well, which was enjoyed by several
thousand spectators.

Following the parade, the tractor show got underway in full
force, with working demonstrations of grain threshing, lumber
sawing, shingle making, corn shredding, etc.

Saturday afternoon was also time for tractor pulling. On the
main track, antique tractors competed for trophies. This included
any tractors made prior to 1942, from steel-wheelers on up. It was
also time for smaller pullers to go to work in the large tent. This
is where the kids (and the ladies) participated in the pedal
tractor pull.

Saturday night was turned over to more modern machines, when two
and four-wheel drive pickups pulled. Not everything was modern,
however, as the evening was highlighted by the steam engines
showing their stuff. No matter how cold it might be, and it can be
cold the third weekend in October, no one leaves until they have
seen the steam engines pull.

Sunday morning opened with a non-denominational church service
in the large tent. Attendance for this service has been growing
each year. This was followed by a new event this year- a horse
pulling contest, which drew a large crowd for a first-time event.
Following the horse pull, it was the farm stock tractor’s turn
in the tractor pulling contest.

Many other activities also went on throughout the fairgrounds
both days.

The Fulton County Quilt Club holds a quilt show in the 4-H
Building each year. This year was the tenth year for their show so,
in addition to their usual large display of beautiful quilts, they
had a special display of grand champion quilts of past years, plus
a quilt block contest as added attractions. The schools in the
county also participated, with items made by the students on

There were many displays of crafts, with several working craft
demonstrations. One which drew special attention was a wool
spinning demonstration which ended up with a finished shawl.

A flea market provided an opportunity for show visitors to shop,
not to mention eat, with food of every kind from milk shakes to hot
sausage sandwiches to baked potatoes.

This was also the tenth anniversary of the show for Grease,
Steam and Rust Association. 1990 was the largest show to date, with
215 individual exhibitors registered, many of them exhibiting
several items, especially those with small engines and other
machinery items.

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