Myersville, Maryland 21773.
The Fourth Annual Catoctin Antique Gas Engine Show was held on
October 2nd and 3rd., 1976at the Wolfsville Ruritan Community
In addition to the exhibitors, the rains came in abundance. It
began raining on Tuesday, September 28, 1976 and continued through
the morning of October 2, 1976. This did not stop the exhibitors as
there were exhibitors from ten states, including Washington, D.C.
The turnout was not a record as far as exhibitors or engines on
exhibit, but it sure was a dang good average. We had one hundred
sixteen strong hearted souls who brought two hundred twenty-four
engines, nine tractors, feed grinders, churns, washing machines,
tredle lathe, ram pump, water motor, shingle mill and other crafts
and displays. In light of the approximate eight inches of rain, the
show was a rousing success.
Lawrence Lewis, Myersville and George Grouse, Frederich,
Maryland, starting their engines during the heavy rain on Sunday
The rain brought out the true personality of the exhibitors.
Everyone was cheerful but wet. Spirits were high. In summation of
what I saw, everyone had a grand time. Whenever the rain let up,
the engines were uncovered and started. Many ran throughout the
daylight hours, rain or not.
This group of men are truly a great breed of men (also women,
boys and girls). Yes, we had a seven year old girl who ran her very
own engine. They not only had the hard job of loading their engines
in the rain, they knew they would probably unload in the rain. They
also knew they would have the mud to clean off when they got home.
They were truly great. We found there is no rain date at a gas
engine show.
Charles Martin, Myersville, Maryland, is gassing up his 1 HP
Brownwell for the days run. Arthur Lealtemail, Myersville is
starting one of his Maytag washers and trying to get the water out
of them.
The plaque this year featured the 10 H.P. Quincy owned by Elmer
Rice, Hagerstown, Maryland. Elmer was a gracious exhibitor when
presented with the first plaque.
Our fifth show will be held on October 1st. and 2nd., 1977. We
hope for better weather and are sure the exhibitors will follow. We
look forward to seeing all of you.