2277 Berry Road, Amelia, Ohio 45102
The first National Meet for Ford/Fordson collectors and
enthusiasts was held at the Ohio Valley Antique Machinery Show at
Georgetown, Ohio. It was truly a national event, with delegates
from Alaska to Florida, Minnesota to New Jersey.
On August 15, a meeting was held for all those interested in
forming an organization. Topics discussed were keeping the registry
active, forming an association dedicated to the preservation and
restoration of Ford/Fordson tractors and equipment, holding an
annual national show and meet, publishing a newsletter, and
planning for organizational structure and by-laws.
A steering committee of 12 delegates was formed to obtain a site
for the second annual National Show and Meet in 1993, and to
investigate and direct the association. Ohio Valley Antique
Machinery Association has now handed over the registry to this
To document this special occasion, a four foot panoramic photo
of the delegates and their machines was taken. Ed Johnson of
ABN-Radio & TV Network filmed the event to appear on the
syndicated television program Agri-Country.
To register tractors or join the association, send your name,
address, phone number, model and serial number to: The Ford/Fordson
Registry & Collectors Association, 645 Loveland Miamiville Rd.,
Loveland, OH 45140. Phone:513-683-4935.