125 Fickett Road, Onalaska, Washington 98570
The first annual Branch 20 show was held at the Western
Washington Fairgrounds, Puyallup, Washington, July 23-24, 1983. We
enjoyed a weekend of mild Western Washington weather and a great
turnout of exhibitors!
We had a large turnout of gas tractors and two very fine tractor
pulls. Our tractor pulls were held in front of the grandstand with
some spirited competition among our members. We had many expertly
restored tractors that participated in the noon parade each day as
We had several antique cars and trucks on display along with a
fine display of steam equipment.
We had many engines ranging from several scale models to a 35 HP
Oilfield engine. Some of those present included: Reid, White,
Middleton, Superior, Atlas, Black Bear, Domestic, Fairbanks,
Simplicity, Novo, Sandwich, Economy, Fairmont, International,
Stover, Ottawa, New Way, Union, John Deere, Hercules, Alamo,
Fuller-Johnson, LeRoi, Master Workman, Maytag and a fine display of
lite plants and drag saws.
Many thanks go out to our exhibitors and the many people who put
out so much effort to make this a success!