ENID Oklahoma SHOW

By Staff
Published on March 1, 1986
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The tractor built by 'Doc' Coughlan using the Cushman engine.
The tractor built by 'Doc' Coughlan using the Cushman engine.
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The Model B John Deere driven 14 miles by Billy Haley.
The Model B John Deere driven 14 miles by Billy Haley.
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Two Monitor pumping engines brought by George Oiler.
Two Monitor pumping engines brought by George Oiler.

1713 E. Walnut Enid, Oklahoma 73701

We had a get together for the local gas engine and tractor
enthusiasts October 5, 1985 at the Garfield County Fairgrounds in
Enid, Oklahoma. The show was sponsored by George Oiler, R. D.
Corley and Richard Vogt of Enid.

We had a gathering of several collectors, most of them within a
40-mile radius. The exhibits were 76 engines, 4 tractors and a
small replica of a Rumely Oil Pull using a Maytag engine and
lawnmower transmission built by ‘Smokey’ Bowles of Ames,
Oklahoma. Fascinated youngsters kept the little Rumely busy all
day. Reo was represented with an antique Reo fire truck and a
wrecker with an excellent paint job. Another fine homebuilt tractor
was built around a 2 cylinder Cushman engine built by ‘Doc’
Coughlan of Kingfisher, Oklahoma. The ages of our engines were from
a Jack-of-all-Trades of around 1907 to the McCormick Deering LB of
the early 40’s.

Everyone had a good time at this one day event with perfect
weather, especially one of our devoted souls, Billy Haley. Billy
roaded his 1937 Model B John Deere 14 miles and near the
fairgrounds met the runners of the annual Chisholm Trail Run held
that morning.

Our workers for the show were our clerical staff, Mary Oiler and
Esther Corley. They took care of the registration and souvenir tags
during the festivities. This was our second year and we hope to get
bigger and improve in years to come.

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