Eastern Shore Show

By Staff
Published on June 1, 1986
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Secretary Rt. 2, Box 266, Federalsburg, Maryland 21632

Calvin Minner of Harrington, Delaware, is shown making quart
strawberry cups with a machine that his father purchased new around
the turn of the century.

The weekend of August 2, 3, 4, 1985 marked the 25th annual show
of the Eastern Shore Threshermen and Collectors Association, Inc.
With perfect weather, the show turned out to be the biggest and
best ever.

Thousands of spectators and hundreds of exhibitors took part in
the Silver Anniversary celebration at the show grounds near
Federalsburg, Maryland.

Besides the main event of wheat threshing there was shingle
sawing with a 100-year-old Lane shingle mill, sawmilling, rock
crushing, sawmilling on two miniature sawmills, demonstrations on
the Baker fan and dynamometer, strawberry cup making and broom

Restored antique tractors and gas engines were abundant along
with full-size and model steam engines, antique cars, live steam
models and a team of oxen. Over a hundred entries took part in the
parades each day.

Along with the many gas engines on display were a drag saw in
operation and toy tractor displays. Stained glass demonstrations
and display were also featured.

On Smokey Joe, a miniature steam train which is a replica of the
Civil War train, the ‘General’ provided rides for children
of all ages.

The Flea Market had over 125 dealers to provide almost anything
your imagination desired.

Plenty of good food was available including fried chicken
dinners. Free entertainment was provided each evening and ‘The
Scale Trippers’, a barbershop quartet, entertained each

James C. Frampton’s homemade model steam engine getting
ready to thresh wheat with a 100-year-old Ellis Keystone

C. K. Longenderfer of Millersville, Pennsylvania, displays a
steam model that he built. Mr. Longenderfer, 87, has been an
exhibitor every year for the past 20 years

Jack Bradshaw of Galestown, Maryland, is shown with his drag saw
powered with an Economy gas engine.

Special show books commemorating the show’s 25th Anniversary
are still available at $5.00 ppd. by contacting the secretary.

The 26th annual show will be held August 1, 2, 3, 1986 on the
show grounds located on Route 313 between Denton and Federalsburg,
Maryland. Everyone is invited to come and help us make the 1986
show bigger and better than ever before.

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