National Vice President 3848 South Farm Road 93 Republic,
Missouri 65738
The Northwest Regional Show, hosted by Branch 29 at Huntley,
Montana, was a very good show, and even though it rained on
Saturday things went very well. At the meeting on Saturday evening
there were a lot of questions and discussion on the by-laws, dues,
new election process, and insurance. Of the 25 branches in the
Northwest, 13 of them were present. Menno Kliewer told me that high
spirits in a high altitude region (6,500 feet) produced a high
class Southwest Regional Show at Durango County, Colorado, August
1-3. Numerous gas engines, tractors and models, plus an extensive
antique car display, de-lighted visitors from the entire Southwest
Region and beyond. Branch delegates were well represented at the
business meeting where current EDGE&TA programs were outlined
by Chairman Menno L. Kliewer. Mountainous scenery rides on the
narrow gauge 1880 Durango-Silver-ton Railroad were available. The
names to be inducted into the Hall of Fame this year are: Chaddy
Atte-berry, Charles Waters, Roger Mohr, Carl Bergman and Jack
Versteeg. Also, this year, posthumous inductees will be Marcella
Reilly Cooke and Lou Chappo.
Next month I will have the report from the South-east Regional
hosted by Branch 37, Gentry, Arkansas, and the Northeast Regional
hosted by Branch 39, Wauconda, Illinois.
The summer has flown by. I probably didn’t get half of the
projects done I had planned on, but the Lord willing, there will be
another day!