Early Day Gas Engine Tractor Association, Inc.

By Staff
Published on November 1, 1997

National Vice President 3848 South Farm Road 93 Republic,
Missouri 65738

The Northwest Regional Show, hosted by Branch 29 at Huntley,
Montana, was a very good show, and even though it rained on
Saturday things went very well. At the meeting on Saturday evening
there were a lot of questions and discussion on the by-laws, dues,
new election process, and insurance. Of the 25 branches in the
Northwest, 13 of them were present. Menno Kliewer told me that high
spirits in a high altitude region (6,500 feet) produced a high
class Southwest Regional Show at Durango County, Colorado, August
1-3. Numerous gas engines, tractors and models, plus an extensive
antique car display, de-lighted visitors from the entire Southwest
Region and beyond. Branch delegates were well represented at the
business meeting where current EDGE&TA programs were outlined
by Chairman Menno L. Kliewer. Mountainous scenery rides on the
narrow gauge 1880 Durango-Silver-ton Railroad were available. The
names to be inducted into the Hall of Fame this year are: Chaddy
Atte-berry, Charles Waters, Roger Mohr, Carl Bergman and Jack
Versteeg. Also, this year, posthumous inductees will be Marcella
Reilly Cooke and Lou Chappo.

Next month I will have the report from the South-east Regional
hosted by Branch 37, Gentry, Arkansas, and the Northeast Regional
hosted by Branch 39, Wauconda, Illinois.

The summer has flown by. I probably didn’t get half of the
projects done I had planned on, but the Lord willing, there will be
another day!

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