Member EDGE & TA Board of Directors 901 Thistle Ridge Court
Arlington, Texas 76017
Last month we wrote of the new inductees to the EDGE&TA Hall
of Fame. This month, we share some details on the two men newly
brought in:
Harry Lee was born on a farm near Elnora, Indiana, in 1921. Like
many children of his time, he helped out with farm chores and that
laid the groundwork for his mechanical aptitude.
Harry gave new meaning to the term ‘shade tree
mechanic.’ When Harry was 16 years old his father gave him an
old four wheel cart to work, to which he added a one lung hit and
miss gas engine. The cart went through many improvements, including
automobile type steering and model ‘T’ wheels. That cart
ended up lasting for many years.
Harry’s collection has some of the most rare stock Farmall
tractors around. He began to think just what else could be done to
represent the development of his favorite line, Farmall. Harry has
built tractors that have one, two and three engines, which shows
the creative mind that this gentleman has. He has been active in
promoting our hobby all around the mid-east and as far south as
Texas by using a 40-foot trailer loaded with tractors to get to
these shows.
Harry has written many articles for national magazines about
some of his creations, life on the farm, and farm shows. Harry Lee
has also taken an active role in promoting the International
Harvester Collectors’ Club.
Dick Tombrink is a key member of EDGE&TA Branch 29. Dick
serves as the club secretary, which includes many clerical
assignments. As a Branch 29 member, Dick has been instrumental in
membership growth and building construction.
His machinist skills have helped him restore a Case steam
traction engine, a miniature steam engine, a Rumely OilPull, and
stationary baler. Much of his equipment is used by the club for
parades and exhibits. He also has involved his family in
restorations of antique machinery.
Dick’s contributions cross the entire spectrum of
responsibilities, which has made him an indispensable club member
and a valuable person to our hobby. Dick Tombrink is there to do
the job and all of us will benefit for generations to come.