Vice President, Rt 2, Box 167A, Republic, Missouri 65738
We would like to welcome Branch 67 into the National. Bill
Bracht, 2454 SW 2nd Ave, Ontario, Or 97914, serves as
Jerry Wymore, Director East, and I had the privilege of
representing the EDGE&TA at the Ageless Iron Expo held at
Ankeny, Iowa, July 1-4. This was a show hosted by Successful
Farming magazine. A very large show with over 1,000 antique
tractors, gas engines and steam engines. There was also a large
display of scale models. Jerry and I, along with our wives, were
able to meet several members from various branches of EDGE&TA
and also pass out literature and make contacts that may result in
more new branches for the National. We would like to say a big
thanks to Successful Farming for inviting us.
Our sympathy is extended to Jack Versteeg, National President,
on the death of his father. Also our sympathy to the family of Bill
Neatherlin. Bill passed away April 18, 1995. He was a very active
member of Branch 13, where he served as president for four years
and editor of their newsletter for two years. Bill also served one
term as National President 1988-1989.
Hope your summer didn’t go by as fast as mine did. So many
shows to make, so little time. As one fellow once told me, my work
interferes with my loafing!