EDGE & TA Board of Directors 901 Thistle Ridge Court
Arlington, Texas 76017 e-mail address:Frymastr@flash.net
Here’s an update on EDGE&TA’s 1998 Regional
The Northeast Regional Show took place at
Fremont, Michigan, on June 12-14, was hosted by Branch 42 with Paul
Jenzen as Branch President. It was a highly attended show featuring
the Oliver tractors and Economy small engines with about 200
represented in each class. In addition, events such as threshing
grain, hay baling, and tractor games were featured. Saturday events
also included an educational parade and tractor pull. Advisor Don
Esch represented the National.
The Northwest Regional Show took place on July
10-12 at Fisler, Idaho and was hosted by Branch 38 under the
leadership of President Boyd Harms. Advisors Ken Green, Eldon
Fogleman, together with Director Gus Peterson, were present to
represent the National. This meeting was directed by Gus Peterson,
and numerous questions were brought forth mainly concerning
insurance coverage and future developments.
The Southeast Regional Show and meeting was
held on July 18-19 at Kinsley, Kansas, under the leadership of
President Ray Wetzel, and was reported as being a great show in
100-degree temperature but, very successful. The National was
represented by Director Howard Hodson. The highlight of the show
was the antique engine and tractor parade through the town’s
main street, with the Kinsley Chamber of Commerce supporting their
entire program with a pleasing community spirit in action. Each
exhibitor in the parade of a mile long was asked to stop at the
speaker’s platform with a formal introduction and explanation
of his/her exhibit. The meeting was chaired by Director Hodson, who
in turn was able to answer all questions which mainly pertained to
insurance coverage and safety measures.
The Southwest Regional Show took place on
October 9-11, hosted by Branch 27 at Paso Robles, California.
Fourteen different branches were in attendance, twelve from the
Southwest Region (which included eleven from the California
region), one from New Mexico, and two from Idaho, Dick Wilson,
National Vice President, and Ken Green, Western Advisor. Jerry
McMartin, Web Master, and Menno Kliewer, National Director; were on
hand to represent the National and to answer numerous
Just a final word: remember, as you store all your equipment for
the winter, be sure to check it for the Y2K bugs. Wouldn’t want
those bugs eating away plug wires, seals, and gaskets or drinking
any gasoline. Hope to see you at some of the 1999 shows.
Dale Fry, National Director.