Vice President 3848 S. Farm Road 93 Republic, Missouri
We would like to welcome Branch 69 into the National. Wayne
Stone, 514 E. Second Street, Salida, Colorado 81201, serves as
president. Salida is west of Pueblo, Colorado. If you are planning
a vacation in that area of Colorado this summer, you may want to
stop and visit with members of Branch 69. That goes for all areas.
Before you travel, look and see if there is a branch anywhere close
and look up your fellow members. I know how you guys like to talk
about and show off your engines. As the holiday season is now over,
we begin to look forward to the ’96 show season. As we read the
newsletters, we see that many branches have the same problems. They
all need more help as they plan their show and then during the
show. It takes a lot of work to put on a show, so if you
haven’t been that involved in the past, let your officers know
that you would be willing to help out more this year. I’m sure
they will find something for you to do.
Also, if you would like to be involved at the National level as
an officer or director, any member in good standing with any branch
of EDGE&TA can run for office. You need to send your resume to
Darrell Carter, the chairman of the nominating committee. His
address is: Darrell Carter, Rt. 2, Box 393, Fair Grove, Missouri
65648. This needs to be in before May 14,1996.
If you know of someone who has done a lot for our hobby in your
area that you would like to see in the National Steam and Gas Hall
of Fame, send a resume stating their qualifications to: Jerry
Wymore, 933 W. Military Avenue, Fremont, Nebraska 68025. This needs
to be in by the first of May 1996. This is open to’ anyone who
has helped promote our hobby and the nominee does not have to be a
member of EDGE&TA. Five names will be chosen and will be
introduced into the Hall of Fame at the National Show in
Springfield, Missouri, September 12-15. Please note these dates. I
think there might be some confusion about when the show starts and
ends. Again, September 12,13, 14 & 15, 1996.