R. R. #2, Box 143 Leavenworth, Kansas 66048
Hello from coast to coast! As of now we are coast to coast with
our branches, and that means a wide variety of all kinds of
equipment. Some like the old horse drawn machinery, and I have seen
some that was really nice. It looked as if it just came off the
line. I have a few pieces that I used as a boy, and that was a good
many years ago.
We had a good bit of alfalfa hay. I have the old 6 foot Champion
mower that Dad found had a defective seat, and he would set me down
so I wouldn’t fall out.
I also have the old dump rake and the Sandwich two bar side
delivery rake. I believe Dad ordered it from Connecticut. I also
have the old Canton Clipper 16′ walking plow and the John Deere
16′ riding sulky, the old Jenny Lind walking cultivator, and
the riding disc cultivator. And I have the two wagons that were
used for grain and the one with wide tires or rims that were also
used for a log wagon when the box was taken off.
The high wheel is a Dain and has steel wheels and roller
bearings. Then we had two or three hay wagons with 4′ steel
wheels that hauled hay to the barn, either in loose condition or
baled. These same wagons were used to haul grain in the bundle to
the separator. The box wagons hauled the small grain, like wheat
and oats, to the bin. Then there was another way, like my 1920
model T Ford dump truck that hauled grain to the bin on the farm
and also hauled it to the elevator in town.
Of course you old timers who used this kind of equipment know
all about it. But I thought the younger ones could get a few
pointers on what we used and what we used it for. We used the old
16 x 30 Hart Parr and Avery Yellow Fellow separator, that I grew up
on, to do the threshing. The ladies always tried to come up with
the best dinners. They sure did feed us.
If it hasn’t been held yet by the time you read this,
don’t forget the Winfield Show, August 16, 17, and 18.
So long, folks, and have a safe summer and a real good time at
the shows!