Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Association, Inc.

By Staff
Published on May 1, 1995

Rt.2, Box 167A Republic, Missouri 65738

As the National continues to grow, we have four new branches to
introduce to you.

Branch 4David Hawkins, 1032 Monroe Avenue, Cheyenne, Wyoming
82001, serves as president.

Branch 59Arney Mulford, 4530 S. Delaware, Englewood, Colorado
80110, serves as president.

Branch 61David W. Cronk, 511 W. 15th, Torrington, Wyoming 82240,
serves as president.

Branch 62Joe Garrity, 290 W. Eden Road, Great Falls, Montana
59405, serves as president.

The 1995 show season will soon be in full swing. Plans for the
four Regionals and the National are well underway. Watch for more
details in ads in the magazines and newsletters from the

Also, as time gets closer for the National, remember that any
member in good standing with the Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor
Association may run for office. Mail your resume to Dan Leischner,
President of Branch 15 at: 18392 SE Vogel Road, Boring, Oregon

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