President 3510 Brooklake Rd. N. E. Brooks, Oregon 97303
The following is a brief on what happened at the 1992 National
Meeting, hosted by Branch 12 at Union Gap, Washington.
Over 300 members were present.
OLD BUSINESS: The new insurance was discussed at some length,
with all questions being answered satisfactorily.
NEW BUSINESS: It was suggested that the membership consider that
sometime during the next two or three years that the National
portion of the dues will have to go up. Expenses are rising and
there will be the need. No action taken.
National officers’ travel allowance was raised from 20 cents
to 25 cents per mile.
By-laws were amended to include the East & West directors in
receiving travel allowance.
Inasmuch as the National is growing and record keeping is quite
extensive, National officers were authorized to purchase a computer
system, not to exceed $2000.00.
As the National officers were unopposed for reelection, all were
reelected, by written ballot. The one exception is the director for
the East Region. The new director is Ed Longhenry, Branch 1, 15150
Guslander Trail, Marine, Minnesota 55047.
A special presentation was made to Harvey Hi-lands for his past
dedication and service to the Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor
Assn. This was accepted for Harvey by Tom Marshall.
1993 NATIONAL: The presentation was made by Jerry Virtue,
president of Branch 13, for hosting the 1993 National Meeting. It
will be held at Grass Valley, California on June 11, 12 & 13,
GENERAL DISCUSSION: The membership requested that the question
of the National dues be discussed further. Many questions and
answers were tossed around with the feeling that the dues should go
up enough so that they wouldn’t have to be raised again for at
least five or six years. The result of the discussion about raising
the dues was this: the by-laws were changed by a majority of votes
(with four no votes), that the dues, beginning on January 1, 1993,
will be raised to $4.00 for seniors and $2.00 for Auxiliary and
Juniors per year. The National portion of the dues is still to be
paid not later than December 31 of the year.
The meeting was then closed and was followed by an ice cream
social with 30 gallons of ice cream being dispensed in 45
The 1993 National is just around the corner. Any person who is a
member in good standing may run for National office. The
requirements are that a statement of intentions and a resume
stating qualifications be sent to the nominating committee not
later than February 11, 1993. After this date it will be too late
for 1993. The committee is Jerry Virtue, Chairman, 12001 Arno Road,
Galt, California 95632; Bruce Rogers, Branch 14, P. O. Box 2004,
Salt Lake City, Utah 84110; and Dan Leischner, Branch 15, 19392 S.
E. Vo-gel Rd., Boring, Oregon 97009.