Vice President Rt.2, Box 167A Republic, Missouri 65738
On January 2, 1995, Ralph Ramsey of Branch 16 and I had the
pleasure of meeting with Branch 28 of West Plains, Missouri. David
Melton serves as president of Branch 28. The main purpose of our
meeting was to discuss plans for Branch 28 hosting one of the
Regional Meets for 1995. They are very excited and are looking
forward to the 1995 Southeast Regional. Dates for Branch 28 show
are August 10-11-12 and the show will be held at Cabool,
Other branches that will be hosting a Regional Meet for 1995 are
as follows:
Southwest Regional will be hosted by Branch 18. Their dates are
May 12-13-14. Charlie Parrish is president and his address is 4498
E. Hwy. 140, Merced, California 95340, (209) 383-3628.
Northeast Regional will be hosted by Branch 33 on June 9, 10,
& 11. James Rowsam, secretary, is the contact for Branch 33.
His address is 422 Stang, Madison, Wisconsin 53704-5039, (608)
Northwest Regional will be hosted by Branch 21 and their show is
in September. Exact dates will follow in the next issue. Otto
Maeller, 192 Court Drive, Merill, Oregon 97633 is president of
Branch 21.
Also remember that the National Show, hosted by Branch 15 at
Brooks, Oregon, will be held July 28-30, 1995. Contact president
Dan Leischner at 18392 S.E. Vogel Road, Boring, Oregon 97009, (503)
As you make your 1995 show plans, we would like to encourage you
to make the Regional in your area and make plans to attend the
National. You may write any of the names for more information about
their show.