Arlington Antique Tractor, Truck and Engine Club will sponsor
its fourth annual fall festival, antique tractor show and swap meet
and farm machinery show on October 25 and 26. Our club is a member
of the Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Association, Inc. Show
events will include tractor pulls, swap meet, small engine display,
antique tractor display, rope making, corn shelling and grinding,
antique tool display, tractor games, hay baling, farm toy exhibit,
toy sales, arts and crafts, tractor drawn train rides for the
kiddies, and a flea market. All vendors welcome. To reach the show
location, at 3004 South I-35 West in Burleson, Texas: from Fort
Worth, go south on I-35 West, about 15 miles, exit 32 (Bethesda off
ramp), south for one mile. From Dallas, south on 67 to I-35 West.
North to exit 30 (FM 917), cross over I-35 to Service Road. Turn
right, go north on Service Road for mile. You cannot miss us with
flags flying high.
Site telephone number is (817) 783-5468, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.,
seven days a week. Fred or Paul e-mail address is:
a0010663@airmail. net. Fax is 1-817-783-2284.