By Staff
Published on July 1, 1980
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Cecil Graves, Macomb, Illinois.
Cecil Graves, Macomb, Illinois.
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Ron Clark's 6 HP I.H.C.
Ron Clark's 6 HP I.H.C.

Route 3, Macomb, Illinois 61455

On September 1, 2, 3, 1979, the Argyle Antique Gas Engine
Association held their third annual show at Argyle State Park.

My two sons and I exhibited at this show. Duane, my eldest son,
is secretary of our club. He exhibited his 1929 GP John Deere
tractor and his Galloway air cooled gas engine. My youngest son,
Bruce, showed a Fuller & Johnson gas engine.

Duane also has a collection of tools, forks, hay knives and hay
carriers that run through the barn and are used in putting up loose
hay. Three of these carriers have been made of wood and they slid
on a 4 x 4 wooden track. Two were purchased from antique dealers in
Missouri and one we received from a man by the name of Richard Grey
from Perry, Illinois. This we had seen hanging in a barn where it
had been used.

The exhibitors from our show were from many different states.
There were 300 or more gas engines, approximately 50 antique
tractors, 1 steam engine and scale model steam engines, plus old
farm machinery. We had one large tent of crafts besides the ones
that were under the many trees.

One tent held approximately 80 handmade quilts while several
ladies demonstrated quilting techniques. Some of the crafts were
wood carvings, blacksmithing, horse shoeing, threshing, sawmilling,
apple butter making and there was a sorghum press. There were also
crafts the settlers did for their livelihood.

The park ranger has constructed two log cabins at the show site.
One held furniture and items used at the turn of the century. In
the second cabin food was prepared as settlers did years ago.

There was a flea market connected with the show with at least 65

We have several persons who exhibited antique cars and trucks.
Duane has a 1931 one-ton model A truck. My part of the exhibit was
a John Deere gas engine and a twin cylinder Maytag engine.

On Monday, Labor Day, we had a horse and mule plowing contest
with some very fine horses and mules from Illinois and Missouri.
This was our second year for this event and a large crowd showed up
for it. There were several classes-walking plow, sulky, gangplow
and three-bottom plow which they hitched to eight mules.

The exhibitors received a plaque with a Bullseye engine on it.
One was running at the show on display. In order to help with
expenses we had buttons for which we asked a donation. It had a
Rock Island tractor on it.

This show is held where there is lots of shade. You can park
your camper close to your exhibit. During the three-day show there
are demonstrations of flying model airplanes.

We are planning a bigger and better show this year.

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