Antique Engine, Tractor and Toy Club, Inc. Show

By Staff
Published on March 1, 1992
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 Sec.RD#l, Box 385, Pine St. Slatington, Pennsylvania

Our Club Show was held June 1, 2, 1991 at Kempton, Pennsylvania.
Several new things were in evidence this year: music on Sunday
afternoon by the Rhinelander’s Strolling Band, new tractor
activities, and a new show chairman, past president Mel Riehl.

There was more of everything more flea market vendors, more
engines, more tractors, more pedal pull contestants, and more
activities for exhibitors, of whom there were more than at any
previous show. A count on Saturday at noon was made with the
following numbers: Large engines, 126; small engines (under 1 HP)
55; model engines, 36; large tractors, 70; garden tractors, 18;
Worthington type tractors, 8.

Also new this year was plowing in a field adjacent to the
Community Center. Arrangements were made too late for the field
plowing to be advertised, but hopefully, this can be done in time
for next year.

Chairman Mel Riehl had lots of helpers for the show, and says
thank you to not only the officers, board members, and committee
people, but to everyone who helped in any way, from planning, field
layout, show day activities, parking, flea market, and of course
cleanup Sunday evening.

Special thanks to all the exhibitors for bringing their items
and for participating in the various activities. There undoubtedly
will be changes and improvements for next year’s show, because
it is natural to learn as we grow. One item in particular is the
possibility of using a professional tractor pull sled, rather than
the current system, which doesn’t do the job for larger
tractors. It works for 2 plow tractors, but not for the bigger 3
and 4 plow antiques. More about this and other items in future
newsletters and advertisements for the 1992 show. Again, thanks to
everyone, the helpers, the participants, a special note of thanks
to everyone who donated baked goods for the show at Kempton, and
the spectators who helped to make the show a success.

Next year’s show, June 6, 7, 1992, will have as the
advertised feature, the Hart Parr-Oliver tractor. So far, we have
made no real effort to attract feature tractors or engines to our
shows, but this year we hope to attract owners to exhibit their
featured items at our show.

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