East Pepperell, Massachusetts 01437
The fifth annual Antique Engine and Tractor Crank-up was held on
July 8, 1979, at the town field in Pepperell, Massachusetts on
Route Ill. We were gifted again with a very nice hay day. There
were exhibitors from all the New England states.
I would like to give the readers of this fine magazine the
history behind the Pepperell meet. Back in 1975, Pepperell was
about to observe their 200th birthday. The town meeting
appropriated funds to celebrate the occasion and also to have a
committee formed to organize the years’ activities. Articles
appeared in the local paper asking for ideas on events for the
coming year, etc. Jim Dunn and I were approached to sponsor an
antique engine meet. We said that we would, and got busy to spread
the word of the first annual meet with postcards, advertisement in
this magazine and also articles in the local newspaper. We were
very pleased to say the least, with the number of exhibitors and
general enthusiasm that the first meet generated, so we decided to
continue an annual meet for ourselves and everyone to enjoy and
I have found that those following gas engine meets are very
down-to-earth, realistic, plain old honest-to-goodness people, and
I am proud to be a part of them. Jim and I run our meet on a break
even basis. We sell the buttons to cover the expenses. We give the
exhibitors a ribbon which is our token of appreciation for their
interest in our show. This year we had approximately 150 engines
and 12 tractors, most of which are restored to perfection. They
certainly are a sight to behold, all painted, polished and
All of this work is to preserve the machines of the past for the
present and future generations to enjoy. It makes one realize the
ingenuity that our forefathers had when they invented these
machines to help make America the great land which it is.
Again this year we had several working exhibits where an engine
or a tractor was powering a piece of machinery. Due to the generous
efforts of Milton Richardson from West Brookfield, Massachusetts,
we had a very primitive wooden framed shingle mill that turned out
excellent shingles. The shingles were given to the spectators
throughout the day. The mill was powered by Jim Dunn’s G.P.O.
John Deere and my 10/20 McCormick-Deering tractors. There were many
engines and tractors that deserve recognition. I will relay to you
readers that I for one really appreciate the time and effort that
has gone into the beautiful restoration of all these fine
Jim Dunn and I want to thank everyone who took the time and
effort to exhibit at this year’s show. Our sincere thanks are
also extended to Jack Carroll for his many hours of work doing all
the art work; Bob Willson for moving our tractors and the use of
his ramp truck to load and unload tractors and machinery; John
Blood for wood, machinery, front end loader tractor, and dump
truck; and to my wife, Martha and daughter, Rebecca and Jim’s
children for running the registration table. Again, thanks to all
that made our fifth annual meet a success.