1997 U.P. Steam Gas Show

By Staff
Published on March 1, 1998
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Garden tractor display at the 1997 show.
Garden tractor display at the 1997 show.
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New blacksmith shop at the show.
New blacksmith shop at the show.
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The entrance to the Agricultural Museum.
The entrance to the Agricultural Museum.
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17-30 Minneapolis displayed at the 1997 show.
17-30 Minneapolis displayed at the 1997 show.
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Steam engine in the Agricultural Museum.
Steam engine in the Agricultural Museum.
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Selling fresh steamed corn on the cob at the 1997 show.
Selling fresh steamed corn on the cob at the 1997 show.

1206 S. Pine St. Janesville, Wisconsin 53546

I thought our readers might like to see a photo story of the
1997 show of the U. P. Steam and Gas Engine Association. All are
invited to attend our 23rd annual show to be held Labor Day
weekend, September 5, 6, 7, 1998 at the U. P. Fairgrounds in
Escanaba, Michigan.

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