1994 Western Missouri Show Is Best Ever!

By Staff
Published on June 1, 1995
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Bill Anderson brought this beautiful 5 HP Galloway that he restored.
Bill Anderson brought this beautiful 5 HP Galloway that he restored.
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Floyd Fritts' nice old Waterloo Boy.
Floyd Fritts' nice old Waterloo Boy.

2714 Cedar Crest Drive Independence, Missouri 64057

At the membership meeting following the 1994 Western Missouri
Antique Tractor and Machinery Show, there were some very happy (and
tired) members. The reason for all the smiles was the record
turnout at the ’94 show. There were more visitors, more
exhibitors and more activity to entertain than at any previous

As in the past, there were new additions to the grounds. The
swinging foot bridge across Buzz Creek got lots of attention from
just about every youngster who saw it. (And also some of us who
aren’t so young.) An old log cabin had been moved and rebuilt
on the northwest corner of the grounds. Steve Hanson and Scott
Emmons were busy reassembling another one that had been moved from
near Pleasant Gap.

I found out that the reason the grass looked so good was that it
gets cut almost every week. About a dozen or so members meet after
work on Friday evenings to keep it looking like their own

Featuring several tractors of low production added up to more
tractors being shown than ever before. Among them were Graham
Bradley, Silver King, Cockshutt and Samson. There was a near record
number of gas engines. Galloway was featured.

A really hardworking bunch of gals makes up the ladies
auxiliary. The same lady who served me pancakes at breakfast was
making my sundae at the ice cream parlor in the afternoon. And she
was still smiling!

A hog roast, pedal tractor pull, talent contest, country music
show, buggy rides and tractor pulls were just some of the
activities folks could see or participate in.

The old Mulberry Church was full to capacity for Sunday morning
services. Song service, special music and preaching were conducted
by folks from Calvary Baptist Church in Adrian.

The weekend after Thanksgiving, several thousand lights were
turned on that decorated most of the buildings in Frontier Village.
There were motion lights on a tractor and thresher as the belts
appeared to be turning and straw showered to the ground. A
blacksmith swinging a hammer, and lights on the windmill and bridge
were really something to see. The ladies still busy as ever made
and served hot chocolate and cookies to everyone who came. There
were also buggy rides and it was all free.

Another year of fun in Adrian, Missouri is over, but the 1995
show will soon be here, July 28-30, 1995. See you then!

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