M.R.V.S.E.A. President Route 2, Box 84A, California, MO
The Missouri River Valley Steam Engine Association of Boonville,
Missouri hosted its 27th annual Action Show September 6-9,
Ideal weather and pleasant temperatures put the finishing
touches on a nearly perfect show year and our all time record show.
Nearly 5,000 spectators and exhibitors gathered for the four day
event. Nichols and Shepard was the featured steam engine. In all
about 25 engines and models were shown and worked. Oliver/Hart Parr
tractors were featured. Nearly 250 tractors were displayed and/or
took part in our pulls (classic, antique rubber and antique steel
classes). Monitor gas engines were featured. An impressive display
of nearly 500 engines of various types and sizes were displayed and
run. Draft horses were everywhere, horse farming in the fields and
in competition in our first-ever Draft Horse Pull. Children were
entertained with the Pedal Pull, riding ponies and our miniature
train. Everyone enjoyed the lift of our ride wagons touring the
grounds with stops at the engine area, tractor area,
threshing/baling area, steam area and sawmill. We had an unusually
good turnout this year on craft demonstrations: weaving, glass
blowing, broom making, shingle splitting, cider making, apple
butter making, pork rind making, spinning, blacksmithing, rope
making, woodworking, wood carving, etc. Flea markets and part
vendors abounded. The sawmill as usual operated almost
continuously, putting on quite a show. Threshing, baling, plowing,
and rock crushing demonstrations were also given daily. Our second
old time Fiddling Contest was a resounding success in ‘the
barn.’ Church services, the Sunday Antique Car and Truck Show,
and the new big engine museum rounded out the show. Another new
event called ‘Diversified Farm Animal Displays’ debuted
this year. Irish Dexter cattle, Katadhin, St. Croix, Barbadoes hair
sheep, Black Welch sheep, pot-bellied pigs, Nigerian Dwarf and
Tennessee Fainting goats all kept visitors spellbound and amazed
with their attributes and their rarity. Parades? Oh yes! We did
have daily parades. Saturday’s parade was two hours and 35
minutes long. You name it, we had it and our announcers told you
about it too. The grandstand was full for its entire length. If you
were hungry, the Knights of Columbus 1061 were serving old time
threshers meals, or the Cooper County Youth Fair had short orders.
As you might guess, we had quite a show again this year and
we’re extremely proud of this accomplishment. One of the best
things was seeing our old friends and making new ones.
One might ask how we keep on growing bigger and better each
year. Our membership is now over 200 families, and three of our
last four shows have been records. We believe and operate by a few
simple basic principles.
1. ‘Preserving our Historic Agricultural Past for the
2. Having as many diversified events, going on at the same
time, as we possibly can.
3. Being the friendliest show going. We’ve always got
time to visit.
4. Advance planning.
5. Hard work.
Won’t you continue to grow with us? Our second annual Spring
Swap Meet/Tractor Pulls will be held April 27 & 28, 1991 and
our 28th Annual Action Show will be held September 5-8, 1991.
Everyone is always welcome. We hope to see you there.