Castle Shannon, Pa.
On September 21 & 22, 1973, the TRI-STATE HISTORICAL STEAM ENGINE ASSOCIATION held its 17th annual reunion. This was our third year at the Hookstown, Pa. Grange Fairgrounds. Thanks to the weatherman’s help, an excellent arrangement of equipment and our exhibitors, we had an excellent show.
In order to accommodate all the engines, we had moved the south fence out a bit. True to our expectations, all our regular exhibitors showed up with more engines than usual and a good number of new faces came asking if there was room for them to set up. The display this year was dominated by the big Gardner Oil field pumping engine, owned by Norman and Clark Colby of Claysville, Pa. When that engine operates it is heard all over the grounds. That engine is also a tractor tester. It takes a darn good tractor to move it downhill! The Colbys also brought a number of small engines and an antique tractor.
We felt the loss of Sigh Sprowls, who passed away last spring, however, his son, Ron, had a good collection of engines and two antique tractors. Also from Washington, Pa., Wayne and Drayton Sphar had plenty of engines, including Wayne’s Delco light plants. He doesn’t have every one BUT he’s getting there.
Our final parade was dedicated to the internal combustion engine. Frank Gormley of Independence Township, Pa., led the parade with his 1921 20-40 Advance Rumley Oil Pull, towing his Aultman and Taylor threshing machine. This provoked many memories of the threshing rigs moving between settings. Dave McDonald followed with his 1924 16-30 Oil Pull, towing Tom and Nicky Weaver’s Frick thresher. Dave’s son, Jim, rounded out the Oil Pull contingent with Dave’s ‘Light Weight’. Jim was assisted by his son, Andy, (3 years old), which made three sizes of OIL PULLS and three generations of McDonalds.
Chuck Seeley of Coroopolis, Pa., demonstrated the easy way to get around with his Seeleymobile, a 3 horse Fuller and Johnson engine and some work, to put it on a frame and install steering, drive gears, but it works fine.
Our announcer and show manager Nello Mungai of Hickory, Pa., brought his 1929 Massey Harris four wheel drive tractor. Nello also brings his IH 460 each year to drive the fence posts around the grounds. In less than a day we erected snow fence around the whole place– without Nello’s post driver it would take a week.
Jim Cotter and his son, John, brought the heaviest gas engine, ‘portable that is’, I’ve ever handled. The Cotters use a novel method to start their gas engines, they belt them to a steam engine. Getting up a head of steam doesn’t take that much work does it?
Bus Longrod from New York State, surprised us this year by becoming an exhibitor instead of an onlooker. We sure were glad to have him at the show.
There are many more people that I should mention, however, I don’t have the space. Mainly I want you to know that we had a great show, due to the efforts of our exhibitors, who took the time and trouble to come with their equipment. Further, you should know that our 1974 show will be held September 20 & 21, at the Hookstown Grange Fairgrounds again. We have camper hookups, two Grange operated eating facilities, you know how those GRANGERS can cook! — and there are motels close by. Hookstown is thirty miles west of Pittsburgh, Pa., on US Route 30 6 miles east of East Liverpool, Ohio. Come and see us in the fall for the best show in this part of the country.
President: H. Lester Lee-Cross Creek, Pa.
Vice-Pres.: Craig F. Kern-Castle Shannon, Pa.
Secretary: Paul F. Crow-RD 1 Box 470 Charleroi, Pa.
Treasurer: Evelyn Crow-Charleroi, Pa.
William Mungai, Hickory, Pa.
Charles Seeley, Corapolis, Pa.
Clark Colby, Claysville, Pa.
Dave McDonald, Georgetown, Pa.
Glenn Fullerton, Burgettstown, Pa.
Willis Abel, Finnleyville, Pa.
Earl Hamilton, Lisbon, Ohio
Tracy Lewton, Hickory, Pa.
Nello Mungai, Hickory, Pa.