1914 1-3/4 HP Chore Boy

Reader Contribution by Staff
Updated on June 30, 2022
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by Gas Engine Magazine Staff

Michael Standley, whose 1914 1-3/4 HP Chore Boy (above, below top) was in forum entry 50/1/2 from the December/January 2015 issue, sent us current photos and added the following information: “I got the engine off eBay from George Eddy. He was actually the one who took it out of the junkyard that used to flood. That and two other engines were under water for like 30 years. It was just a block, flywheels and a cam gear. All other parts were new from Bill Graves (who was a BIG HELP). I coated them with muriatic acid and let them sit so they rusted up. It’s been sleeved and given new rings, valves and valve guides. The black one (below bottom) was all stuck. I got it at Larry Lucke’s Open Engine Day show. It’s almost done.”

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