“The Great Minneapolis Feature”
Badger Steam & Gas Engine Club 56th Annual Show
Aug. 16-18, 2019
7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
S3347 Sand Rd., Baraboo, WI 53913
264-acre show site
Wooded building and exhibit areas
29 acres of free parking
Three-level loading dock
Join us in 2019 as we feature Minneapolis-Moline and the companies that preceded it, including Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co., Twin City, Moline Plow and others.
For more information, or to participate, please contact the following:
Steamers and prairie tractors – Tyler Roudebush, (608) 843-2652
Tractors and implements – Peter Holzman, (608) 635-7772
Primitive camping for exhibitors only. All vehicles other than scooters and powered wheelchairs used by the disabled require proof of insurance.
See antique machines in action:
Steam engines, antique tractors, antique engines, 1901 Keystone steam well drilling rig, sawmills, threshing, silo filling, rock crushing, straw baling, horse-powered rock picker, blacksmith shop, woodworking shop, model engines, old cars and trucks, Fuller & Johnson museum, building with displays for the ladies, parade Saturday and Sunday, huge flea market, arts and crafts, books and decals for sale, free shuttle rides around grounds, good food, homemade pie and ice cream
Driving directions:
Exit 92 off I-90/94, Hwy. 12 east 3.8 miles to Hwy. 33 (Exit 215). West on 33 for 1/2 mile to Sand Road, north on Sand Road 1/2 mile to S3347 Sand Road.
Contact info:
Tyler Roudebush
(608) 843-2652
S3347 Sand Rd.
Baraboo, WI 53913