September-October issue is here!–do you realize what that
means?? The start of another school year, the frenzied schedule of
the early fall meetings, the coming to an end of summer -I
don’t really see how it is possible; summer just began,
didn’t it?? The years really do go faster as you mark each
birthday, don’t they they? Well, all I can say is I hope you
had a good summer and I know there are still a few Reunions in
these two months now and then Hallowe’en, Thanksgiving,
Christmas and we’ll be into next year–told you time flew!
Had a nice surprise this summer when Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Wokson
and family stopped by to see me. They are from Rogers Minnesota
55374 and were taking a camping trip in this way, in fact they were
headed to the spot where Washington crossed the Delaware, a spot
the children had marked on their plans to accomplish, and then they
were coming back to tour Gettysburg and more points of interest and
then home, eagerly awaiting the Rogers Threshing Show sponsored by
the Anoka Engine Club which will be August 24th and 25th. Chuck and
son are both very interested in the gas engines and are pursuing
that hobby. It was a nice treat to have them stop.
Another letter from one of our family in England, – DAVID R.
HART, Penwarden Farm, Golerdon, Callington, Cornwall, PL. 17 7ND,
as follows:
Could you please put a plea in one of your Smoke Rings columns?
I have just purchased ‘Challenge’ horizontal open crank
engine, and would like to know some facts. It was made by the
Challenge Co. of Batavia, Ill. It is a 5 K H. P. and the Serial No.
is 25008. It has a Hercules low tension magneto and a three needle
carburetor, water, gasoline and kerosene. Could anyone give me
information on the year of manufacture and also the coloring and
In enjoy reading the G.E.M. and am fascinated by just how many
gas engines there are in the States. It is wonderful reading about
so many others enjoying the hobby of gas engines just as I do.
I have also two horizontal Ruston & Hornsby’s, a Bam
ford horizontal, an Associated Hired man and a Pitter M Type 2
cycle 1-1/2 H.P.
Also I would love to receive some color photos of American
engines and tractors for my Scrap Book. So if anyone could oblige,
I would be grateful.
From MURRAY B. WOLFE, Route 2, Box 277, Hubbard, Ohio 44425
comes this friendly letter: Dear Friends and Neighbors, I enjoy the
Gas Engine Magazine and I miss it more than any other magazine. I
follow up all the antique steam shows I can get to as I work in a
steel mill and my schedule there does not permit me to get to all I
want. I did not make it to Burgettstown last fall. I think they
have just about one of the best shows I have ever been to. I made
it to New Athens, Ohio, to the Steam Show last fall for the first
time. I want to get to Madison, Ohio, and Burgettstown this fall if
the good Lord gives me strength and the car can get gas. I have
never been to the Madison Steam Show. I am fifty-one years old.
When I was a boy, I worked at a dairy farm with my father in
Indiana County,
Pennsylvania. When I was big enough to help we threshed with the
old Huber Oil Pulls and Eagle tractors. I guess that is why the Gas
Engine Magazine interests me so much. My dear old Mother is still
living back in Indiana. She is 88 years old. I always think there
could never be no woman as good-hearted as her. I also have a
sister and brother-in-law in Emporium, Pennsylvania. My
brother-in-law, Mr. George Kempner is a steady subscriber of the
magazine and he has coil advertisements for gas engines in the
magazine. He also has between fifty and a hundred antique engines
which he is presently restoring. I have a 66 GMC 3/4 ton V-6
pick-up. I go to all the shows in it. The older it gets the more
proud of it I am. They don’t make the V-6 anymore but mine is
in excellent condition. I also have a 1951 Ford tractor that looks
and runs like new. It has always been my ambition to get a real old
tractor all ready, restored, to bring on the trailer behind my
pick-up to the steam shows.
A call for help comes from ROY S. MAST, Route 4, Millersburg,
Ohio 44654 as he tells us: ‘I need all the help and information
I can get on the following engines – Massey Harris 1-1/2 HP Serial
No. MHA45649 and Gilson that I would guess to be a 1 HP. What was
the color, stripes, decals? The Gilson engines came out of Canada.
Two are complete, one is rough and not complete. The Massey-Harris
is complete except crab. Could anyone tell me where I can get gears
made? Would like to correspond with Massey-Harris and Gilson
owners. All letters will be answered.’ (Here’s hoping you
get some answers, Roy)
WILBUR C. GAEDTKA, R.R. 5, Springfield, Illinois 62707 shares
his thoughts with this writing: ‘Enjoy your magazine very much,
but would like to see more restoration details such as original
color schemes, etc. on at least the more common makes of engines. I
realize most people aren’t that hung up on detail, but I
restore antique autos as my main hobby and detail is very important
in that line. By color schemes, I mean what popular brand names or
current implement paint will match some of the original paints no
longer available.’
CORRECTION! A letter from W.J. RUNDLE, 2565 East Klein dale
Road, Tucson, Arizona 85716 writes: ‘The table on Maytag
engines in the center of the May-June G.E.M. had one error that was
overlooked when we checked the typing. The governor on the Maytag
twins — 72D and 72DA — should be shown as (‘a weight and
spring in crankshaft.’) Please tell GEM readers to make this
correction.’ Mission completed, Sirs, so now make your
CAREY R. ALEXANDER, 94 Grange Hall Road, Dayton, Ohio 45430 is
looking for letters from readers who knew anything about the Ohio
River Boat (Hattie Brown) which was destroyed in a wind storm on
the Kentucky River. The machinery was taken off and used on another
boat named the (Vim) which was destroyed later in an ice break-up.
He’ll be looking for your replies.
A letter concerning a member of our G.E.M. family comes from
RICHARD D. HAMP, 1772 Conrad Avenue, San Jose, California 95124 –
‘I am writing to report some sad news concerning a great gas
engine collector. Recently, I received a letter from ‘Gas
Engine Mike’, RUBEN MICHELSON of Anamoose, North Dakota 58710.
He wrote to tell me that he has contracted lymphatic leukemia and
will be unable to work at his former job anymore. The doctors have
told him that they have the problem under control with medication.
He plans to keep busy as Secretary of the Drake Threshers
Association and he plans to start work on the 5th edition of his
gas engine names and manufacturers list. He would like his gas
engine buddies to send him new names for this 5th edition which he
plans to print this fall or winter. Anyhow, he would like to hear
from all his friends out in Gas Engine Land. He said his writing
hand and arm are still in good shape and he will try to answer
anybody who will be so kind as to write him.’
If you’ve been with G.E. M. long you will recognize the name
as he has sent in many contributions of pictures. Our prayers and
great hopes for the future go to Gas Engine Mike and I’m sure
he will be hearing from his buddies.
THEODORE B. GOODVAN, 1063 Ware Street, Palmer, Massachusetts
01069 would like to know anything you have to offer pertaining to
details of the Majestic engine, Serial Number 144757, 7 HP. He
would especially like to know when and where it was made.
TOM KILLIMON, Route 1, Council Bluffs, Iowa 51501 has taken the
Gas Engine Magazine for four years and really likes it and he was
wondering if you could let him know something — ‘My Great
Grandfather Case and J.I. Case were brothers. Can anyone give me
any information about the family in the early days? – Anything
Two questions from C. GAMBLE, ‘Fair View’, Bamawm, Via
Rochester, Victoria 3561, Australia – ‘I have recently
purchased a Sandwich engine made by Sandwich M.F.G. Co., Sandwich,
Illinois U.S.A. H.P. 1-1/2, Speed 500, No. A8386. The magneto is
missing from the engine. I am wondering if you could tell what name
was on this engine. Could you also tell me what year the engine was
Another letter from across the sea comes from G.L. DUKES, 33
Victoria Road, Redford, Notts, DN22 7DQ, England – ‘May I take
this opportunity to say Thank You most sincerely for publishing my
letter requesting information for my Fairbanks Morse engine, the
response to which has been tremendous. I would be most grateful if
you would publish a Thank You to all your readers who have written
to me and also say that all outstanding letters will be answered as
soon as possible.’
And from WM. FLOWERS, Route 2, Box 332, Adena, Ohio 43901 —
‘We recently purchased a gas engine which has the tag missing.
The rivets are still in place in front of the right flywheel. A
name has been painted on the right side of the water hopper. I
think the first letter is a large S followed by, I think, a small u
and then space for two letters and then ess. Was there an engine
called Success? It resembles the Waterloo or Waterloo Boy as to
where the tag is located and a place is (leaded in) on the left
side of the water hopper where some Waterloo and Waterloo Boys have
a lever for the speed control. The governor and hit and miss also
resembles the Galloway, Waterloo, Associated and some International
engines. Maybe some of your readers can help identify this engine.
I’m sure this is an Iowa engine.
MARK A. PETERSON, R.R. 2, Box 51, Taylor Ridge, Illinois 61284
would like to know if there ever was a WD-40 built by
International? I suppose he would appreciate hearing from the
readers, as I don’t know the answer!
WALT TAUBENECK, 4213 80th St., N.E., Marysville, Washington
98270 is seeking information on 6 hp I.H.C. Mogul and 35 HP St.
Marys oil engine. I’m sure he’ll be very glad to hear from
you if you could help him on the details of these machines.
JOHN E. ELLIS, JR, R.D. 1 Hillhouse, Muncy, Pennsylvania 17756
will be happy to hear from any of you readers –his letter follows:
‘I would like information concerning a gas engine I now own and
want to restore. The following information is on the serial tag
-Associated Manufacturers Company, Waterloo, Iowa USA, 3 Mule Team,
Chore Boy Line, Patents July 20, 1909; January 3, 1911; December 1,
1914; others pending. Trademark registered #50115, 3 HP.’
KENNETH PLETAN, R.R., Wendell, Minnesota 56590 sends this cheery
note and question: ‘Hi! Congratulations to a fine magazine.
Would like information about this gasoline engine-manufactured by
Duplex Mfg. Co., Superior Wisconsin, Serial No. 61282, 385 r.p.m.,
4 HP. Would also like the approximate age.’ (Short, sweet and
to the point. Hope you can give him some help.)
More needed information!! — CLARENCE DORN, 8356 Russell Lane,
Cleveland, Ohio 44144 is looking for data on timing for a hit and
miss engine. He built a small model a year ago and cannot get the
thing running. He has tried everything he can think of, but nothing
works. He would be most appreciative to hear some suggestions as to
getting the engine started.
DONALD JONES, R.D., Center Barnstead, New Hampshire 03225 would
like to hear from anyone who has a Troy shingle mill, made by the
Lyon Iron Works in Greene, N.Y. Also, a Reliance Woodpecker gas
engine, made by Middletown Machine Co., Middletown, Ohio. (Let him
hear from you, Fellow Buffs).
PAUL E. JONES, Box 53, Leslie Ville, Alta, Canada TOM IHO
writes: ‘Please tell me if the Oil Pulls built with the disk
flywheels were the last made or were there some after the disk
wheels with spokes? I bought mine thinking it was a 1922 model L.
12-24. I saw a 20-40 sold a few days ago and it was a dead image to
mine except larger with a spoke flywheel and I was told it was a
1926. When I was restoring mine, the water and kerosene pumps were
worn badly. To repair them, I unscrewed the barrels and chucked
them in the lathe and cut a groove near the top to take a 1/2 inch
I.D.O. ring and stretched the springs a little and they pump just
great. Would like to hear from others who have 12-25 Oil Pulls. The
G.E.M. is a great magazine and I would like to see more tips
printed on the restoration of gas engines.’
W.C. SHELTON, 170 Park Circle, Old Hickory, Tennessee 37138
tells us: ‘I enjoy reading your magazine very much. I have been
a mechanic for 44 years and I started collecting old engines about
18 months ago. I have six engines now, most are rare ones. I just
bought one and would like some information on it. The engine was
made by Armstrong Mfg. Co., Waterloo, Iowa U.S.A. established 1867,
15 HP, No. A-901300. Please write and let me hear from
R.F. SOMERVILLE, 12498 232 St., Maple Ridge, Haney, B.C., Canada
wants to give some Fordson information to DALE MARTIN, 2021 153 W.
Ave., S.E. Bellevue, Washington 98007 who had a letter in May-June
G.E.M. 1974 – ‘I had two Ford sons in 14 years and they were
not first class, but they worked. The color was red front and back
wheels and gray from the starting crank to the back drawbar. I
think the seat and spring were black. The engine oil is 30 S.A. 6
in summer and 20 S.A. 4 in winter and 80 S.A. E. gear oil in the
transmission and any good farm grease will do.
The Ford Company never put governor on the 1914 to 1924
tractors. These had to be bought from firms making extras. The 1930
English Fordson had governors and H.T. magnetos. If your Fordson
has the coil and commuter ignition, try and get a H.T. magneto as
they start easier.’
R.G. JACOBY, RD 3, Marengo, Iowa 52301 gives some help to some
of our previous requests – ‘In Smoke Rings July-August 74, page
20, M.P. Graff am wants glass replacements – he can find it on page
45 of same magazine. Also, Richard R. Roedel wants Babbitt pouring
help. –Clean and dry bearing and shaft. I like to drill two small
holes on under side of bearing, thread the holes. I use 1/4 in. and
put threaded bolts in from under side to support shaft. Adjust
shaft in center of bearing. Get yourself some good old subsoil clay
to make a putty to close the ends. (I had one amateur tell me he
used children’s modeling clay and all he got was air bubbles).
Wrap the shaft with one thickness of paper or masking tape will do.
If you have a boss or collar on shaft, you can use a braided sash
cord as a plumber, running rope to close one end. It is well to
heat the set-up when you are ready to pour. This is for pouring 1/2
bearing. After pouring remove the bolts and plug holes with wood or
some other means. If it is a large bearing, pour with two ladles.
For a one piece bearing use more bolt to center chaft in bearing.
Stand work on end. If you can’t stand it on end make a hole at
each end of bearing – one to pour into and one for air vent. With
some experimenting, you should be able to add to this
F.L. WILLIAMS, 6694 Norcliff Drive, Sebastopol, California
95472 sends us a report on a show he attended:
Last weekend, Saturday and Sunday, we attended a gas up of the
Branch #6 of the Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor association at
the Clifford Koster Ranch just West of Vernalis, and South of Tracy
on Koster Rd. Their address is J. 3549 So. Koster Rd. Tracy, Calif.
95376, in case you wish to know.
It really was a fine gas up with close to 150 gas engines about
6 Cat. tractors and about the same number of gas tractors, a
beautifully restored grain binder which had been used to harvest a
lot of fine bundles of wheat which was threshed by a fine looking
all steel separator (forget the make) Mr. Koster has a very fine
old Harris Combine that has a large 4 cylinder (cast separately)
(forget the name) engine mounted on it to run the combine, which
was pulled by a cat.
Mr. Koster also has a large old Best or Holt (I forget) cat,
that has a wheel to aid steering on the front end.
A steak fry was enjoyed by all and the Branch supplied the
biggest cast iron kettle of beans that any of us had ever seen or
tasted any as good.
The table fork lift operators would have made an old time
thresher crew hustle to keep up with them.
Mike Gianni has his fine Case steamer there and Loren Wade
was there doing his stuff with his Reeves compound steamer and
there was also a well made 1/2 scale return flue model steamer
operated mostly by the son of Sam Eustad. Mr. Eustad also had a
table full of model blacksmith shop machines and numerous other
fabrications up to an oldtime dentist’s office all made from
odds and ends of iron junk.
HAYDEN SHEPLEY of Colonial Flying Corps Museum Inc. Box 171,
Toughkenamon, Pennsylvania 19374 would like to hear from anyone who
has any information about the Donnegan & Swift Co. of Brooklyn,
New York. ‘I have on display in the Museum an ancient half
scale auto with their engine and sight, oil lubricator. I have
never seen mention of this company in any publication over the past
30 years. I am hoping it might be a stationary engine company.’
And that brings to an end the chatting for this time — take care,
enjoy every moment of your wonderful life and remember — You can
always live on less when you have more to live for — OR — The
world is full of men making good living but poor lives.
GEORGE S. SIMPSON, 70, South Chelmsford, Massachusetts, passed
away April 12, 1974. He was well known in the New England area for
his collection and private museum of gas engines, also a steam
engine collector.
Submitted by the Harnden Family of Haggetts Pond Road, Andover,
Massachusetts 01810.
BERNARD M. SKILLEN died suddenly from a heart attack April 7,
1974 at the age of 55. Machinery played a big role in Bernard’s
life. Being employed for 28 years at John Deere Waterloo Tractor
Works on supervision. His love for the items of his heritage
brought him to Antique Acres where he was elected President of the
club in 1970 to 1972. He was elected to the Board of Directors,
which he still held at the time of his death. He was an ardent
steam fan and had a number of threshing machines, water wagons, old
tractors and gas engines. These were all restored to running
condition. His presence in life with his warm friendly smile and
cheery greeting will be missed by many.
Submitted by Mrs. Derwood Heine, Antique Acres, Route 1, 7610
Waverly, Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613
REITZEL, John E. passed away July 11, 1974 at his home near
Sterling, Illinois. John had a collection of gas engines and he and
his wife, Crystal and the big Harvard engine were seen at every
Gas-Up and Threshing Bee throughout the midwest. They were members
of a couple clubs in Illinois and enjoyed nothing more than an
engine show. — We are sorry to see good friends go and yet they
are not really lost, as good friends remain in memory as will
Submitted by June Merrow, Dixon, Illinois.
SHERALD (SHAY) BONNELL, 56, R.R.I, Star City, Indiana died June
8, 1974 at Chase Manor Nursing Home in Logansport, Indiana. Shay, a
former state highway superintendent, had been unconscious for 18
months. Shay was interested in steam and gas tractors. He had a
collection of several large and small gas tractors and gas
Submitted by Frank Miller, R.R. 3, Kewanna, Indiana 46939