She’ll Be Comin’ ‘Round the Mountain

By Staff
Published on May 1, 1999
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Fordson tractor,
Fordson tractor,
2 / 8
Allis Chalmers tractors.
Allis Chalmers tractors.
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McCormick Deering tractor
McCormick Deering tractor
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Fordson tractor.
Fordson tractor.
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F-12 Farmall.
F-12 Farmall.
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Old manure spreader.
Old manure spreader.

2130 US Route 5, North Windsor, Vermont 05089

If you like it, you like it, rusty iron that is. It is pretty
tough going for a hike and coming across a rusty piece of metal and
not investigating it further. You always need a new talking piece
around the place–it keeps life interesting. This was in the Fall
of ’97.

I had no trouble this day, since I already had heard about the
many hidden treasures around Mount Ascutney, which is partially in
my hometown of Windsor, Vermont. This day was going to be a fun
day, as I had just called my friend Dennis, and he said he would
show me around the premises.

When I arrived at the site on a snowy day, Dennis was outside
waiting for me. I took my camera and we headed down over the hill.
Wow, not too far in back of the house was a 1928 one-ton truck
dying from lack of interest, and it only got better from there. As
we went farther down the hill to the meadow, there was a Gray
inboard marine engine, ’48 Ford F-6, an F-12 Farmall, a
McCormick-Deering tractor, a Fordson, a ’39 Chevy 1-ton, a 1946
1?-2 ton Reo, an Allis-Chalmers tractor, and even a beautiful rusty
old ground driven horse-pulled manure spreader just sitting there
among the trees. I have been telling my good friend Ed that we
could get in on the bottom floor on these spreaders, before anyone
else started collecting them, but he won’t listen.

As we made the swing down to the field and skirted the edge and
started back up the hill to where we began, Dennis agreed to show
me the contents inside the barns and you wouldn’t believe it.
Chock full of old items, cars, tractors, machinery, a runner
attachment to replace the wheel on a wheel-barrow for winter use,
and more.

I have to tell you that right at this point I am out of film. We
agreed that I would get the films developed and return to climb the
mountain and see the rest at another time. This happened to be a
good idea, as when the pictures came back, there was really too
much snow covering the goodies to see them very well.

We decided to wait until Spring when the snow melted and was off
the treasures, and that is what we did. It was worth it. Most of
the treasures are good for parts or total restoration. The lady of
the house says to clear it out. I’d like to move it all to my
place, but the boss says to get rid of one before I haul in
another. I got the message! Did I mention that there is a Model T
Ford in Dennis’ cellar?

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