5040 Boston Harbor Road, N.E. Olympia, Washington 98506-1850
Last year (1993) Branch #20 of the Early Day Gas Engine and
Tractor Association was asked to participate in the many events
that take place during this weekend. The show that Branch #20 put
on went over so well they were asked to come back again this year.
This year there were one-third more displays set up than last year
and it grows every year. The weekend Festival is put on by the
South Sound Maritime Heritage Association.
The first day of the show, September 3, was a very wet and rainy
day. It rained off and on all day, but members and guests who
brought engines and tractors kept the engines popping and tractors
The public viewers were down com pared to last year, but Sunday,
September 4, the sun came out and the viewers showed up by the
busloads. The city of Olympia uses one of their buses and decorates
it and calls it the ‘tug bus’ and you can ride it free all
Branch #20 Engine and Tractor Association is just one club that
takes part in the many events of the weekend Festival.
Paul Pearman, president of Branch #20, and Cal Lockwood are the
organizers of the tractor and engine show. This year the Maritime
Association asked Paul to invite some people who have old cars and
trucks to take part in the festival. Paul Pearman is a member of
the American Truck Historical Society and president of the Model
‘A’ Restorers’ Club of South Puget Sound Region. Paul
is also a member of the Historical Car Club Association. He asked
that club to take part in the show. There were six trucks, and four
cars. Maybe next year more will take part.
Thanks to all who came and helped to make the show a
The Maritime Association each year gives a hat and badge to each
person who comes to display.
Saturday night almost all people who come go out to eat at a
local restaurant. This year they had 30 people at the dinner time
event. It is always a fun time just to sit and talk about the
day’s show.
John Corbin bought a Maytag engine and couldn’t get it to
run, so he brought it for Wayne Nettek oven to try and start. Wayne
figured out the problem with it and whenever anyone walked past it
they would start it up to run for a few minutes. John is now the
owner of a Maytag that runs and is he ever happy! Ask him what was
wrong with it!
Saturday afternoon Paul Pearman and John Corbin were getting
restless so they jumped on their tractors and went to town waving
at everyone.
We were happy to have the following come and display at the
Paul Pearman had two buzzsaws and demonstrated how to cut wood
with them. Paul also had a BO John Deere tractor, a John Deere
Lindeman, an antique rope-making tool, and water rams.
Cal Lockwood brought three antique outboard motors.
Stan Bender had a Hasse boat engine restored, and a Fairbanks
Wayne Nettekoven brought his up right Fairbanks Morse that he
restored last year.
John Corbin had his AR John Deere tractor, just one of the many
tractors he owns, some restored, some unrestored.
Everit Taft ground some corn with his burrmill and it was
powered by his Cushman Cub.
Hugh Davis had some large Economy engines; he brought four of
them to show.
Gary Michael brought his Crossley forklift to be used to unload
and reload the engines. Gary also brought his Witte drag saw and
sawed a log for two days. When he got tired of cutting on the log,
he had his Economy engines to play with.
Bill Betts brought a 3 HP Gade engine. He had it mounted on a
Bud Arnold had a Double Drum Yarder mounted on a trailer.
John Guise had a trailer load, on it was a John Deere tractor,
Economy engines and a Stover engine.
Dale Frye had his large Reid engine. It is permanently mounted
on his trailer, also a Diesel Witte engine. He hauls it with a Mack
truck Model B.
Keith Baldwin had a McCormick Deering tractor and a 6 HP
Joe Chainey owns an item you don’t see at many shows: a
cream centrifuge to test the butter fat. He also had a trailer load
of old steam equipment, water rams, Fairbanks Morse and McCormick
Deering engines.
John Brown had the largest of all the tractors there, a 1926
Best 60. John hauls it with a vintage 1952 Mack truck and fifth
wheel trailer. Sunday John started up the tractor and maneuvered it
around and when the engine started, the crowd came running. The
Best 60 is so powerful and heavy the ground shook like an
Gary Ockfen sawed on the other end of the large log with his
lightweight Vaughan dragsaw.
David Tenant had an Economy and two Stover engines.
Mark Callender recently purchased a 1926 water sprinkler and had
it on display with a 1928 Pacific Marine Pump and a 1 HP Farm
John Folk had a large selection of outboard boat motors.
Lee Stanhope had a display of bicycles and gas motor
Jim Beller owns a number of engines. He is a fairly new
collector and he brought four of them, a John Deere, LeRoi,
Fairbanks, and a Cushman.
Mike Moyer had miniatures: a Gallo way and Fairbanks, and an
Economy and pump.
Caroll Pederson had an Allan miniature engine.
Pat Guffy had outboard boat motors.
Glen Kelsburg’s 1941 John Deere LA tractor was on display.
He was a guest of Paul’s.
Mike Colyar brought a mini-Can non, mini steam engines, 1 HP
David Raatz saw the article in the Olympian paper and came down
to see if he could take part in the show. He had a 1941 Case
Don Green brought his 1910-12 Root Vandervoort.
Jeff Spears had four outboard boat motors on display.
The following vintage vehicles ‘showed’ to be in the
show. Dale Frye’s Model B Mack truck, John Brown’s Model LT
Mack truck, Paul Knight’s 1954 Chrysler, Bernie St. Clair’s
1948 Ford Pickup F-l, Pat Michael’s 1941 Ford car, Gary
Michael’s 1929 Model ‘A’ two-door sedan, Roy
Friis’s 1943 Mack truck and a 1926 Mooreland truck, Dwight
Underwood’s 1940 Ply mouth and last of the vehicles was Paul
Pearman’s 1969 Chevrolet flatbed truck.
Paul Pearman and Cal Lockwood want to thank all of the people
who took time to come and participate in the weekend’s fun
Hope to see YOU next year, maybe there might even be some more
new faces at the 1995 show!