4171 Cedar Ave. S .E. Rochester, Minnesota 55904
After my grandson Kendall was born, I knew someday I would build
him a tractor. When Kendall was one year old, I started the
I used the rear end and forward-reverse from a Yard-Man snow
blower. The steering sector is from an old Chevy truck. It was
found in a friend’s junk pile. The rear tires, wheels and
ratchets are from a Simplicity-walk-behind tractor. The engine is a
Briggs from a reel mower. The hood is from a David Bradley
walk-behind tractor. I finished the tractor when Kendall was 18
months old.
When I showed him the tractor would move when he pushed on a
lever with his foot, he started driving right away. It took a few
times for him to learn the steering, but he caught on fast! He has
driven the tractor in parades at several shows, and is a big hit.
After Kendall was four years old I hooked up reverse, a throttle
and installed a 3 HP Briggs on the tractor. Last summer at the show
in Rochester, Minnesota, while waiting in line for the tractor
parade, a couple came up to Kendall and the man said,
‘That’s a unique tractor you got there, I bet it’s one
of a kind.’ Kendall replied, ‘Yep, it is. My Grandpa made
it or me.’ That made all the work worthwhile.
Last July another grandson, Walker, was born. Now Kendall and I
are planning to build Kendall a bigger tractor so Walker can have
this one.