926 Hanley Lane Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
I wanted to show you the picture of my recently restored 1947
Empire tractor. I purchased the tractor from its second owner in
October, 1995.
The tractor was in pretty good shape, other than cosmetics.
After I got the tractor home, I checked out the engine and drive
train, and everything seemed to be in very good condition. I then
completely disassembled the tractor and replaced all the oil seals
in the rear axles and differential. Next came the sandblasting and
preparation for painting. But, before painting, I ordered four new
tires and rims for the rear wheels from the Miller Tire Company in
Wauseon, Ohio. I then painted the tractor the recommended
International Harvester Red and as you can see, it turned out real
I am very proud of this tractor and hope to have it at some of
the antique shows here in the central Kentucky area next