The engine is a 35 H.P. Bessemer, 180 RPM, Type O.C., built at
Grove City, Pa. It was installed at Gasaway, W. Va. in 1910 to pump
water for the city. I removed it from its original foundation in
1970 and mounted it on the sub-base and skids as shown in the
picture. This engine is now 65 years old and still in good running
condition. I ran this engine on two weekends last Fall at
Charleston, W. Va. and many people stopped to look at it and ask
questions. I plan to run it several times this summer along with a
10 H.P. Ohio engine and a 10 H.P. McCormick-Deering engine which I
rebuilt this winter. The picture was taken by G. R. Conner, 706
Crestview Dr., Charleston, W. Va. 25302. Courtesy of Okey Moffatt,
Box 388, Summersville, West Virginia 26651
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