5950 Wilson Drive Huntington, West Virginia 25705
The engine had been removed for an overhaul before the fire. The
engine is a Tecumseh H 55 B, serial #0137619. When I took the
engine apart, I placed one of the old piston rings in the cylinder
bore, and it had over 3/16‘ end gap.
Everything else checked out okay.
I had to clean up points and install a condenser for a chain
saw, because I could not find the original parts I needed. (#28524
contact assembly, #29559 condenser, and #28889 decal.) It runs fine
after the overhaul.
I would like to have decals for the hood. I took a picture from
the operator’s manual and made a stencil, but a factory decal
would look a lot better.
The pictures show what the tractor looked like before and after.
The Wheel Horse is a 1960 model 55, with a 30′ mower deck.