RR #1, Box 86 Piedmont, Missouri 63957
Explore the Roaring ’30s and Before,’ a show hosted by
Wayne and Linda Ludington and Richard and Mary Smith, was held
March Hand 15,1992. The Koreshan State Historic Site was the
perfect setting for this show, and it was enjoyed by all
exhibitors. This was our second annual show.
Exhibitors brought antique flywheel engines, tractors, cars and
trucks, antique outboard engines, tools, rock crushing equipment
and perfect weather!
The Koreshan Unity Settlement was established in 1894 on
property located at Esters, Florida, U.S. 41 and the banks of the
Esters River. The settlement was completely self-sustained.
In the early teens Henry Ford and Thomas Edison helped the
Koreshans install a steam powered dynamo for their electricity. The
dynamo is still in place today. However, the Historic Society is
trying to locate the steam engine. Rumor has it the engine went to
the Fort Myers Ice Plant and then to Venice, Florida.
The background in the photos is some of the settlement. People
ages three to 83, and older, attended the show and enjoyed the
exhibits and the historic park.
Saturday evening a pitch-in dinner was enjoyed by the exhibitors
and some of the park employees. A camp fire set the scene for
swapping stories and information. Coffee and donuts gave a good
start for each day.
Next year’s show date is March 13-14, 1993. Come on down to
southern Florida and enjoy the show with us.
Thank you, everyone, for making this another great show