22573 Old 44 Drive, Palo Cedro, California 96073-8719
I recently acquired a Case V.C., serial #4524158, maybe a 1941?,
and I am dismantling it. Of course it’s stuck, has a four
cylinder Continental flat head and has been converted to 12V. It
has an alternator; I don’t know if the starter is 6 or 12 V and
if it makes a difference.
Anyhow, this is my first tractor to restore and I am going at it
blind, but maybe someone out there in Tractor Land has some hints.
I was fortunate to find an ad in Antique Power of an Ohio
fellow who sold me some parts and had a lot of help for me. I sure
am glad for guys like him!
The photo is a ‘before’ shot. You will get the
‘after’ picture, after. Also, if any one has an idea
regarding un-sticking a motor and three valves I would like to hear
from them. I’m also in need of some parts, such as belt pulley,
top pipe and a little gizmo on the top of the pipe of the air
cleaner and crank.
I just got a Case RC 1937 (no tag). Is the six-digit number on
the engine the same as the serial number? How would you trace a
tractor down to get the proper serial number? Any suggestions would
be appreciated.