Case Can Lend You A Hand

By Staff
Published on June 1, 1997
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1340 W. Glenn Street Tucson, Arizona 85705

Several years ago I was up in the root-hills looking at a lot
with a friend where he was building his house. I was very surprised
to see a small crane mounted on a Case tractor in the center of his
future sunken living room. At the time he wouldn’t even
consider an offer. He finally caved in after a couple of years, and
the little crane was loaded up.

Before I could get it out of the sunken living room, the crane
had to be started up. As I was checking the oil, my friend said,
‘The oil always looks that way. Black.’ Now that I have
opened up the inspection holes and cleaned out the pan, the oil
always looks that way. Clean! Cleanliness is next to Godliness!

The first item on the list was the carb, as it was already off,
being clogged. So, I sent it off to a guy in Phoenix, Arizona, as I
had seen his ads in our magazine for several years as a
professional carb re-builder. I also sent along a parts carb.
Several weeks later, I got the carb back with a bill for $355!
Well, I was so depressed about the cost, I didn’t put it on the
crane for almost two years.

Another surprise was when I changed the rear-end oil. Out came a
flood of water, maybe three or four gallons. Whoa! Next came a
flood of the thickest tranny oil that I have ever come across,
probably 600 W. The crane was sitting in the sun in the middle of
summer. It was 115 degrees or more in the shade. The gear oil came
out like molasses. It was still draining six weeks later!

The gas tank was crushed by a large rock repeatedly heaved at it
by vandals. My friend’s house has been under, sporadic
construction for over 10 years. I guess I’m lucky, as one part
destroyed is better than a hundred.

This crane came from the Naval Yard in San Diego. It is a 1944
Case International Model D, Serial #DI 4810278. The crane is
sometimes called a crane because the turret cannot go full circle
due to cable binding.

I need help with a couple of things. First, does anyone have any
photos or literature on a piece of equipment like this? And second,
the data plates from the dash are gone. In ‘Case’ you can
lend me a hand, please call, (520) 882-7073, or write.

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