98 Elm Street, Huntington, New York 11743
Last November I happened to be scanning backyards and driveways
for something rusty and old. I came across a 1956 Economy tractor.
The poor tractor suffered from neglect and was in need of the
affection that only people like us can give. I stopped and asked
the owner about the tractor. He said, ‘You mean you will take
it away for free?’ I tried not to act too excited and told him
I would return in 20 minutes.
Once I had it home, I rebuilt the Briggs & Stratton and
painted the whole tractor. Soon, I decided it needed an air
compressor, tank and three-chime whistle to let everyone know that
Jeff is taking his daughter for a ride around the neighborhood.
When I take it to the shows around New York I can do my part for
the noon whistle.