By Staff
Published on January 1, 1973
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Courtesy of Leroy Quandt, Ryder, North Dakota 58779.
Courtesy of Leroy Quandt, Ryder, North Dakota 58779.
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Courtesy of Walter C. Bieritz, Route 2, Box 168, Yorkville, Illinois 60560.
Courtesy of Walter C. Bieritz, Route 2, Box 168, Yorkville, Illinois 60560.

On the left is Art Oberg with his McCormick Deering binder and
his WD-9 tractor. He is on tractor while Elmer Wolff is on the
binder. They are cutting oats and the right hand picture shows the
oats field shocked but covered with snow on September 25, 1972.

Top left picture:–Filling our new silo with our little I. H. C.
8-16. The girl is one of my older sisters, Rhoda. She had the job
of feeding the silo filler. Top right: — Our I. H. C. 8-16 plowing
in 1918. Lower left:–Our oats cutting operation with our Dad on
the binder and oldest brother, Gerhardt at the I. H. C. 8-16
tractor in 1917. Lower right:– Hansen’s I. H. C. Mogul, the
neighbors to the west. This was the first tractor in these parts in

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