Stover Mfg. & Engine Co. enthusiast Joe Maurer is the current custodian of the Stover gas engine factory records. For the last few years, Joe has been offering Stover owners shipping information about their engines by looking up their serial numbers. He has also compiled all of the engines he’s looked up into a growing Stover registry, which you’ll find below.
The Stover records are made available through the courtesy of the Stephenson County Antique Engine Club, Freeport Ill. The records are stored at the Silver Creek Museum, which is owned by the Engine Club. Donations are not required but any donation received for looking up Stover numbers go to the preservation of the records.
There are more than 2,000 engines on the registry in the PDF below and it will be updated periodically. Some of the codes that will help you read it are as follows:
• wom (without Mag)
• w/mag
• h&m (hit-and-miss)
• tg (throttling governor)
• hb (half base on tank cooled engines)
• fb (full base)
• port (portable on tank cooled engines)
• plain (early upright engine without built in pump jack)
• pumper (early upright with pump jack)
• vert (vertical engine)
• Jr. (stands for Junior which is sometimes in the records)
If you’d like to have you engine looked up, contact Joe by email at or by phone at (815) 443-2223.
Download a free PDF of the most current version of this registry (updated 5/25/2012).
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Once you’ve installed the latest version of Adobe Reader, simply click the link above. Once the Stover Registry loads, you’ll be able to right click with your mouse and “Save as” or “Print” the PDF, or you can choose to browse the Registry in your browser window. When you open the PDF, we recommend you change the page display percentage to 75% for optimum viewing. If you have any trouble, please email online editor Beth Beavers.