705 W. Annie Dr. Muncie, IN 47303
The counting at the 21st Annual Antique Engine and Tractor Show
sponsored by the Tri-State Gas Engine and Tractor Association, Inc.
on August 21-24, 1986 at the Jay County Fairgrounds in Portland,
Indiana resulted in the following talley: 2,412 gasoline engines
registered, 384 tractors (74 were the Rumely-Allis Chalmers
featured this year), 7 steam engines, and 70 variety exhibits.
Exhibitors came from 30 states, the District of Columbia and two
Provinces of Canada.
A special exhibit of Monitor engines was set up this year with
12 Monitors being displayed together in one area. These 12 engines
ranged in HP from one to fourteen. All of the Monitors were of
different styles. Exhibitors from the four states of Indiana,
Michigan, Missouri, and Ohio brought in the beautifully restored
Sawmilling, with a full size and a scale model sawmill,
threshing, applebutter making, blacksmithing, and the running of
the Association’s 100 HP Fairbanks-Morse engine were daily
attractions. One hundred forty, antique dealers and arts and crafts
sales were other outstanding features. The Trading Post, a
consignment operation, was very popular again this year and enjoyed
heavy traffic. Several vendors offered engines and parts and
supplies for engines and tractors. Activity was brisk in this area.
Good food, along with evening musical entertainment rounded off the
show’s events.
With the continued support of our fine exhibitors and
spectators, Tri-State will strive to be one of the largest and
finest shows of its kind in the world. Tri-State’s 22nd Annual
Antique Engine and Tractor Show will be held on August 27-30, 1987
at the same location. You are invited to bring your engines and
help us have 2,500 gas engines registered for the 22nd Anniversary
Celebration. We hope to see you there.