The U.P. Steam and Gas Engine Association 20th Anniversary Show

By Staff
Published on June 1, 1996
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Oil Pull at the 20th Anniversary Show.
Oil Pull at the 20th Anniversary Show.
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5 HP Jaeger with Meyers pump.
5 HP Jaeger with Meyers pump.
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Model engines at the 20th Anniversary Show.
Model engines at the 20th Anniversary Show.

1206 S. Pine Street Janesville, Wisconsin 53546

It seems like only a few months back, but in reality it was in
the fall of 1974 when a half-dozen of us met together in my
classroom in the Seventh-Day Adventist Elementary School in
Escanaba, Michigan, to make plans to form the U.P. [Upper
Peninsula] Steam and Gas Engine Association and to prepare for our
first show.

How could we succeed? We were so few in number. We had little
equipment. Our sawmill was a rusty pile of iron. We even had to
borrow $1000 to finance the first show. But, we had a dream!

We had a dream of having our own museum, old time village,
sawmill, and more, all on the U.P. State Fairgrounds in Escanaba.
More than that, we had a dream that people would come to exhibit
their equipment from far away, as well as locally. People would
come to enjoy our hospitality by the thousands, from as far away as
Florida and California.

Those of you who could make it to the 20th anniversary show know
that many of our dreams have been full filled. The steam powered
sawmill runs smoothly under its protective shed. A cut-off saw,
shingle mill and rock crusher have been added.

The old time village with its black smith shop and stores
intrigue young and old alike. The museum featuring its Corliss
steam engine and the Association’s 15 HP Badger side shaft
engine provide a look at the past which the younger generation
might never other wise see. And of course, there was lots of good
food available.

But more important than this were the good feelings and
friendship among the Association members and guests who had more
than adequate time to renew old friendships and form new ones.

A big thank you to all who joined with the more than 8,000
people who helped us celebrate our 20th Anniversary Show. A big
thank you to all the members who have labored so hard and long for
the success of the Association. And a big thank you to our
president, Skip Dufour, who has held this office for 20 years, and
whose leadership has enabled us to grow and prosper.

Did you miss our 20th Anniversary Show? You can make up for it
by attending our 21st annual show to be held Labor Day weekend,
August 30-Sep-tember 2, 1996 at the U. P. State Fair grounds in
Escanaba, Michigan.

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