The Antique Engine, Tractor & Toy Club

By Staff
Published on November 1, 1986

Box 385, RD #1, Pine St. Slatington, PA I8080

Our first show on June 7-8, 1986 at the Kempton, Pennsylvania
Community Center was a success, with 85 engines, 35 tractors and 23
flea market spaces rented. All of this despite hot, humid,
thunderstorm weather (yes, it did rain both days) and being a first
show by a new club. Over 100 photos were taken and mounted as
slides, and it is our aim to show them at a first anniversary
banquet on October 18.

Our club membership has grown far beyond our first year
expectations, as we now have over 200 members. (First notice of
formation of our club appeared in April 1986 GEM.) The entire club
says ‘thanks’ to the exhibitors, vendors, general public,
donors of baked goods and other materials and services, for without
all of these the show would not have been a success.

The tentative dates for next year’s show are June 6 and

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