The 2001 National International Convention of the Spark Plug
Collectors of America will be held August 21-24 at the Jay County
Fairgrounds in Portland, Indiana, in conjunction with the Tri-State
Gas Engine and Tractor Association’s annual show. All spark
plug collector events are held in the club convention center on the
east end of the showgrounds by the horse barns. This year’s
events will include the gala club banquet, spark plug displays by
club members, and the annual business meeting on Friday at 10:00
a.m. A benefit plug auction will follow the meeting. And of course,
many tables of spark plugs and related items will be offered by
club members.
The Eastern regional meeting will be held Friday, October 12, at
10:00 a.m., at the A.A.C.A. Swap and Car Show in Hershey,
Pennsylvania. The meeting is held at the stall of Robert J.
Harrington. A benefit plug auction follows the meeting.
Everyone is welcome to attend. The Spark Plug Collectors of
America is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of
spark plug collecting. For more info on the club, or a free copy of
the club magazine, contact Jeff Bartheld, 14018 N.E. 85th St.,
Otsego, MN 55330-6818.