12718 Iowa St., Crown Point, Indiana 46307
During the summer of 1984 our town of Crown Point, which is the
county seat, had its 150th birthday. Many activities were planned,
and older farmers were asked to put on an Antique Farm Machinery
I was pleased at the response from young people, who offered to
help us. Only a few, however, knew what some of the equipment was
or how to use it. We were delighted to explain this to them. One
young man found it hard to believe that we had to walk 7 miles to
plow one acre!
I explained that I was fortunate enough to own a reversible
plow, and did not have to walk across the head land. A flip of the
mold board, turn the team, and continue on my way. 40 acres was the
most we normally plowed. This involved 280 miles of walking. The
rest of our farm was oats, wheat and hay. Beans were unknown. What
great progress it was when the two bottom gang plow came out! How
many young people have seen a fiddlegrass seeder? Wheel barrow
seeder? Does 8-16, 10-20, 18-36 & 22-36 mean anything? Those
were McCormick Deering tractors. What an advancement!
The results of this Farm Show were the beginning of an annual
event. Cities have their historical societies… and so do
we…now. The South Lake County Agricultural Historical Society has
been duly incorporated. It is gratifying to see the many young
farmers who wish to become involved in the organization, it’s a
real progress show. Our objective is to preserve and restore as
much antiquated farm machinery and equipment as possible. This also
includes household goods and transportation items, such as wagons,
buggies, cars, trucks, etc. We plan at least one display a
Our first annual show was held July 19, 20, & 21st. It was
held at the Lake County Fairgrounds, in Crown Point, Indiana, where
80 acres of shaded woodland made a pleasant backdrop. Shelters and
buildings housed the Art Shows and Crafts and the outdoor Flea
Markets found a shady spot. Horse and buggy rides pleased the
Four old steamers had been made available to us, and threshing
wheat and sawing were featured attractions at the show. Old trucks,
gas engines and old farm equipment just kept streaming in to be
shown. Our first attempt turned into an overwhelming success, and
already we are over-whelmed with requests for contracts and
information on exhibits. All antique dealers and arts & crafts
are welcome. This year’s show dates are July 18, 19, and 20th.
Senior Citizen Day is Friday, July 18th. Venders and dealers may
call Emert at (219) 374-7866 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; evenings
and weekends (219) 663-3177; or Carl at (219) 663-0139 from 9:00
a.m. till 5:00 p.m. weekdays, for contracts.