14015 E. Wellesky Spokane, Washington 99216
These are some pictures or two shows that my dad Tony and I
participated in this past summer.
At our Stovers, ranging in horsepower from one to six, on
display at the Pioneer Power Show, Union Gap, Washington, held by
EDGE&TA Branch 12 on August 21 and 21, 1994.
The photo shows our Stovers once again1 HP V, 2 HP KA, 3
HP W, 4 HP W, and 6 HP Talong with a 5 HP Economy, this time at the
Interstate Fair in Spokane, Washington, held September 9-18. The
show was put on by the Inland Empire Steam and Gas Buffs, and had
300-plus engines and tractors on display.
The picture, also taken at the Spokane Interstate Fair, shows
off our Economys.
Dad and I restored all of these engines in 1993-1994-They are
part of the collection that Dad and I have been working on for many