By Staff
Published on January 1, 1984

Box 514 Louisville, Tennessee 37777

The Smoky Mountain Antique Engine and Tractor Association’s
first show was an outstanding success by anyone’s standard.
Saturday, April 30, was overcast and somewhat threatening of rain
but the temperature was within the comfort range and our collective
hobbies were viewed by approximately 400 persons. Sunday, the
blocks were removed; it was a typically beautiful East Tennessee
spring day with the temperature in the mid 80sa nice gentle
breezelots of sunshine and best of alla paid attendance figure
exceeding 700. Attendance both days was boosted by the generous
support of regional engine clubs and by the efforts of Mac and Sara
Fennell’s publicity committee. The natural beauty of our
location; John Rice Irwin’s Museum of Appalachia, Norris; a
quick tour by several Miss USA contestants; and a picture of Jessee
Dobson’s Kewanee water pump in Saturday’s
‘Knoxville’s News Sentinel’ also deserve a lot of
credit for our success.

Club president Marion Brock was a beehive of activity as he
insured the necessary jobs of any show being performed: greeting
the many familiar faces from the clubs, conducting the Sunday
morning church service and in his spare moments, manning his own
exhibit. Paul Cox contributed his presence and displayed his
‘trading stock’ and was able to satisfy the wants of
several club members and newly-converted hobbyists.

Exhibits totaled 103 running engines, 27not running and 21
tractors. It will be difficult, but with support such as we have
just experienced, we will have a bigger and better show next year.
Please plan to attend!!!

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