23128 Foxville Road, Smithsburg, Maryland 21783
The 18th annual Steam and Craft Show at Smithsburg, Washington
County, Maryland took place on the Fireman’s grounds on
September 26, 27, 1992. Some rain both Saturday and Sunday, but it
cleared both days, allowing us to enjoy a great show.
Six steam engines of the turn of the century, the source of the
show’s name, always open the show each day with their chorus of
whistles, and lead the parade. Saturday at 5:00 p.m., more than 150
pieces of equipment, tractors and tractors pulling machinery,
paraded behind the steam machines and the high school band over
eight blocks through the town for the pleasure of the parade
This was the year we featured the BIG RED of International
Harvester and GRAY of McCormick Deering. Almost 50 models of IH
tractors were on display, an awfully good showing, plus a McCormick
Deering thresher, a corn husker, a wheat binder, and a host of
other pieces too numerous to list.
Promoting the participation of IH owners for this event were
Kenneth ‘joe’ Burrier, and his wife Reba. We exhibited our
Super H Farmall which we purchased new in 1954 (below, left) and
used on the farm until 1986. Now it is a part of our antique
tractor collection. The 10-20 tractor (below, right) purchased in
1977 is another one of the sixteen antique McCormick Deerings and
IH tractors in our collection.
Volunteers of the Smithsburg Athletic Boosters provided crab
cakes, ham sandwiches, open-kettle-cooked bean soup, and our
special Leopard Stew, a secret soup delicacy.
We have scheduled September 25 & 26, 1993 for our next show.
Come join us and see lumber sawing, shingle splitting, threshing
and hear the steam whistle blasts and enjoy food for all and a
whole host of crafts.
For further information call 301-416-0325.